Water seepage in buildings is generally caused by defective building fabric or installations and lack of proper maintenance.  Proper management, maintenance and repair of buildings, including resolving water seepage problems, are the responsibilities of building owners and occupants.  The cooperation of owners and occupants concerned is essential for resolving water seepage problems.  In general, if water seepage occurs in private buildings, owners should first arrange their own investigation into the cause of seepage and, as appropriate, coordinate with the occupants and other owners concerned for repair works.

To tackle the problem of water seepage, we have introduced a scheme in certain private estates, inviting their property management agents (PMAs) to participate in handling reports about water seepage. Staff of the participating PMAs, while performing routine management duties in the estate, will help identify the water seepage source(s) and advise the occupants concerned to rectify the problem through mediation.

PMAs which wish to join this scheme are welcome to contact our Customer Service Team (Tel.: 2708 3926).