The conventional testing methods used by the Regional Joint Office to investigate water seepage cases include moisture monitoring at seepage locations, colour water test for drainage pipes, ponding test and water spray test for floor slabs and walls as well as reversible pressure test for water supply pipes.  Depending on the seepage situations, each case may involve one or more of these testing methods.

Since the second half of June 2018, we have applied new testing technologies (such as infrared thermography and microwave tomography) in professional investigation in some pilot districts. With the experience gained and data obtained, these new technologies are now in use in most districts.  In cases where these new technologies cannot be effectively applied (due to, for example, spalling of concrete ceilings or blockage of pipes and other facilities), conventional tests will be carried out.

Infrared Thermography:

Mainly for detecting the extents of areas affected by seepage

Infrared Camera Infrared Camera Images

Microwave Tomography:

Mainly for obtaining data which reflect the amount of moisture in concrete floor slabs

Device Investigation Result