In January 2022, Joint Office (JO) organised a webinar with 17 representatives of the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies, during which JO explained the updated “Scheme of Participation by Property Management Agents in Tackling Water Seepage in Residential Building” (PMA Scheme), responded to their enquiries, invited them to participate in the work on handling reports about water seepage and introduced the Water Seepage Resource Centre to be set up.   JO stands ready to organise similar webinars for other organisations, upon receipt of their invitations.

Currently, the Water Seepage Resource Centre at 4/F, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building is ready for opening (see photos attached).  However, having regard to the latest situation of COVID-19, the opening of the Water Seepage Resource Centre to the public will be rescheduled for the second quarter of 2022 (this assumes that the prevailing recovery situation permits).

Joint Office photo 1

Joint Office photo 2

Joint Office photo 3

Separately, action is being actively taken by Joint Office to facilitate the public to browse the one-stop thematic webpage on water seepage directly through a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) at  The one-stop water seepage portfolio will henceforth be given a distinct identity and a stand-alone local domain name.

The public is welcome to contact our Customer Service Team (Tel.: 2708 3926) for enquiry about water seepage matters during office hours.

Ends / 23 March 2022