Cemeteries and Crematoria Services

Available Niches Lookup

In addition to the comprehensive allocation of public niches once a year, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department accepts applications from the public for new niches at Tsang Tsui Columbarium on a monthly basis starting from December 2020. About 1,700 new niches are provided each month. Therefore, there is currently adequate supply of public niches and applicants generally do not have to wait.

For booking status of available niches, please:

       1. Click on the columbarium from the list below.

Diamond Hill Columbarium
Cape Collinson Columbarium
Wo Hop Shek Columbarium
Fu Shan Columbarium
Kwai Chung Columbarium
Cheung Chau Columbarium
Peng Chau Garden of Remembrance
Lamma Garden of Remembrance
Lai Chi Yuen Columbarium
Tsang Tsui Columbarium
Wong Nai Chung Road Columbarium
Cape Collinson-San Ha Columbarium


2. Select the type of niches from the pull-down menu below.


The above information is for reference only. Last modified: 14/03/2025 07:33:18

[Introduction of Cemeteries and Crematoria Services | Application for Allocation of Niche | Booking of Cremation Services | Cremation Booking Status]

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