In addition to the comprehensive allocation of public niches once a year, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department accepts applications from the public for new niches at Tsang Tsui Columbarium on a monthly basis starting from December 2020. About 1,700 new niches are provided each month. Therefore, there is currently adequate supply of public niches and applicants generally do not have to wait.
2. Select the type of niches from the pull-down menu below.
Note:The fees for the niche and the placing of a memorial plaque are shown below:
Initial 20-year Interment Period
10-year Interment Period (extension)
Standard Niche (may hold more than four sets of cremated ashes)
Large Niche (may hold more than four sets of cremated ashes)
Placing an additional set of ashes
Placing a memorial plaque
The supply of niches available for reallocation is determined by the number of niches returned by their holders. Waiting times for allocation of niches in respect of different columbaria vary according to the different numbers of applicants.