Applications for liquor licences which are objected by the public or the Police will be openly heard by the Liquor Licensing Board. Every month, the Board convenes four meetings to discuss such applications, at which all parties involved are given an equitable opportunity to express their views before decisions are made as to whether to allow, allow subject to certain conditions or refuse the applications.
For non-contested applications, the Board has delegated its power of approval to the Superintendent (Prosecution/Licensing) of the respective Licensing Office.
Board meetings are normally held on Tuesday.
Meetings are held at the Conference Hall, Room 102 ,1/F, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. Except House Meeting, all meetings are open to the public.
Applicants and objectors of cases heard in open hearings may enquire the hearing results by calling the respective Licensing Office of the region where the subject premises are located (i.e. Hong Kong and Islands, Kowloon or New Territories) from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the hearing date (or during office hours of the following Monday should the hearing be held on Saturday) and thereafter during office hours. The hearing results are subject to the announcement published by the Liquor Licensing Board Secretariat. The enquiry telephone numbers of the Licensing Offices are:
Hong Kong and Islands Licensing Office: 2879 5779
Kowloon Licensing Office: 2729 1237
New Territories Licensing Office: 3183 9255