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Reserve Licensee Mechanism
Reserve Licensee Mechanism is a trade facilitation measure to minimize disruption to liquor selling business due to sudden departure of liquor licensee by identifying and nominating at an early stage a suitable person as a reserve licensee to take over the role of the licensee within a short period. The Mechanism comprises of vetting an application for nomination of reserve licensee and application for authorization of reserve licensee. The Mechanism comes into effect on 28 March 2017. Application for nomination of reserve licensee has to be submitted together with application for new issue / renewal / transfer of liquor licence to Liquor Licensing Board. Should there be a sudden departure of the liquor licensee, the licensee, business owner or operator can apply for authorization of the nominated reserved licensee to temporarily take over the licensee. At the same time, the owner or operator should arrange application for new issue/transfer of liquor licence as appropriate. For details, you can refer to the application procedures in the website. |