Organisation Chart of FEHD
Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
Name : Mr NG Man-kit, Donald, JP
Telephone Number : 2867 5333
As the head of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene is responsible for planning and directing the operations of the Department with a view to delivering quality service which is responsive to the changing needs and expectation of the community. He is assisted by the Controller, Centre for Food Safety, two Deputy Directors, Head, Private Columbaria Affairs Office, looking after the Centre for Food Safety, the Environmental Hygiene Branch, the Administration & Development Branch and the Private Columbaria Affairs Office respectively.
Controller, Centre for Food Safety
Name : Dr WONG Wang, Christine
Telephone Number : 2867 5500
Controller, Centre for Food Safety is responsible for planning and directing the implementation of policies on food safety control, day-to-day management of the Centre, high level negotiation and liaison with the Mainland and overseas food authorities, management of the consultative structure comprising the Expert Committee on Food Safety, and overseeing regulatory functions related to food safety.
Deputy Director (Environmental Hygiene)
Name : Mr YIU Kai-cheuk, Arsene, JP
Telephone Number : 2867 5347
Deputy Director (Environmental Hygiene) is responsible for planning and directing the provision of environmental hygiene services, management of public markets, management of public cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, hawker control and licensing matters; and overseeing joint office with Buildings Department on water seepage.
Deputy Director (Administration and Development)
Name : Mr LAW Kin-wai
Telephone Number : 2867 5687
Deputy Director (Administration and Development) is responsible for directing and supervising the provision of administrative support for the efficient operation of the Department. This includes the development of a Human Resources Management strategy, finance and accounting, information technology, implementation of capital works projects, formulation and review of policies on markets, toilets, cemeteries & crematoria, public information and education and internal audit.
Head, Private Columbaria Affairs Office
Name : Miss WONG Hoi-wan, Charmaine, JP
Telephone Number : 2350 7388
Head, Private Columbaria Affairs Office is responsible for overseeing all aspects of work of the Private Columbaria Affairs Office in implementing the Private Columbaria Ordinance and providing executive support to the Private Columbaria Licensing Board. This includes putting in place the operational framework, procedures, guidelines and institutional structures for and implementing the day-to-day operation in the regulation of private columbaria; and promoting awareness and understanding of the Private Columbaria Ordinance among the public and the industry.
Centre for Food Safety
Risk Management Division
Assistant Director (Risk Management)
Name : Dr LAM Chau-Kuen, Yonnie
Telephone Number: 2867 5511
- Devising and supervising the implementation of a territory-wide food surveillance programme on a risk-based principle to ensure food on sale is fit for human consumption
- Overseeing food import control and export certification
- Management of all food incidents, including investigation of food borne illness outbreaks at food premises, management of food safety crises and coordination of food recalls
- Liaison with international food authorities, food traders and other parties to ensure effective risk management and food safety control
- Formulation of risk management measures to prevent and control diseases originating in live food animals which have a public health angle, including liaison with the Mainland and overseas authorities
- Overseeing the development of IT systems to support food safety control in an optimal manner and provide relevant online services to facilitate the trade and the public
Risk Assessment and Communication Division
Consultant (Community Medicine) (Risk Assessment & Communication)
Name : Dr CHEUNG Yung-yan, Terence
Telephone Number : 2867 5600
- Oversee risk assessment studies, which provide scientific basis for risk management
- Oversee population-based food consumption surveys and laboratory studies on food hazards and nutrients to support risk assessment work
- Advice on food standards based on local risk assessment results and international experience
- Oversee risk communication activities on food safety, including "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point", which aims to promote tripartite collaboration of the Government, the trade and the public
- Stakeholder consultation, scientific researches and regulatory impact assessments in support of new food safety regulation and legislation
- Liaise with international bodies, professional fraternities and interest groups to strengthen food safety programmes
Environmental Hygiene Branch
Operations Division 1
Assistant Director (Operations)1
Name : Mr WAN Chi-shun
Telephone Number : 2867 5441
- Overall command of district environmental hygiene operations and facilities in the Central/Western, Eastern, Islands, Southern and Wan Chai Districts, including market management, refuse collection, street cleansing, public toilets, hawker control, inspection of licensed premises and law enforcement
- Management of centralized functions for the five districts including the Prosecution and Licensing Office, Duty Room and Hawker Control Task Force
- Regular review and planning of the provision of environmental hygiene services and facilities for the five districts
- Formulation, promulgation and review of procedures, standards and strategies on licensing, prosecution, environmental hygiene and licensing enforcement matters
- Overseeing the provision of support services to Liquor Licensing Board on liquor licensing matters
- Processing of applications for review to the Licensing Appeals Board (LIAB) and the Municipal Services Appeals Board (MSAB) as appropriate in respect of licensing matters of food and non-food premises
Operations Division 2
Assistant Director (Operations)2
Name : Mr TSOI Ka-wai
Telephone Number : 2867 5357
- Overall command of district environmental hygiene operations and facilities in the Kowloon City, Kwun Tong, Mong Kok, Sham Shui Po, Wong Tai Sin and Yau Tsim Districts, including market management, refuse collection, street cleansing, public toilets, hawker control, inspection of licensed premises and law enforcement
- Management of centralized functions for the six districts including the Prosecution and Licensing Office, Duty Room and Hawker Control Task Force
- Regular review and planning of the provision of environmental hygiene services and facilities for the six districts
- Formulation, promulgation and review of procedures, standards and strategies on hawker and market management
- Processing of applications for review to the Licensing Appeals Board (LIAB) and the Municipal Services Appeals Board (MSAB) as appropriate in respect of hawker and market matters
Operations Division 3
Assistant Director (Operations)3
Name : Mr POON Ping-yeung, Peter
Telephone Number : 2867 5288
- Overall command of district environmental hygiene operations and facilities in the Kwai Tsing, North, Sai Kung, Sha Tin, Tai Po, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long Districts, including market management, refuse collection, street cleansing, public toilets, hawker control, inspection of licensed premises and law enforcement
- Management of centralized functions for the eight districts including the Prosecution and Licensing Office, Duty Room, Mechanized Cleansing Services Unit and Hawker Control Task Force
- Regular review and planning of the provision of environmental hygiene services and facilities for the eight districts
- Formulation, promulgation and review of procedures, standards and strategies on public cleansing, waste collection and pest control services
- Management and operation of the Intelligence Unit
- Branch Safety Officer and contribution in bringing about improvement to health and safety at work of staff
- Formulation and review of procedures and standards on slaughtering activities and overseeing of slaughterhouses operations including meat inspection services
- Coordination of influenza/coronavirus disease related matters including coordination of cross division operations
- Supervision of the Pest Control Advisory Section and organization of pest control campaigns and education activities
Environmental Hygiene Administration Division
Chief Executive Officer (Environmental Hygiene)
Name : Miss HO Ka-man, Carmen
Telephone Number : 2867 5417
- Branch administrative support
Administration and Development Branch
Market Development Division
Assistant Director (Market Development)
Name : Ms CHUNG Wai-ting, Tiffany
Telephone Number: 2867 5502
- Taking forward the Market Modernisation Programme (MMP) and new public market development projects, including identifying suitable sites for the relevant projects, overseeing preliminary planning, technical feasibility studies, detailed design, funding arrangement, implementation of works and other associated works, co-ordinating with the relevant departments for various arrangements, consulting the stakeholders and seeking the support of the Legislative Council and the relevant District Councils
- Taking forward a comprehensive review of the facilities and management of public markets, overseeing the implementation of new management measures in new public markets and overhauled or redeveloped markets under the MMP
- Formulating overall strategies for consolidation and closure of under-utilised markets
- Overseeing improvement projects regarding minor equipment for existing markets
- Formulating enhanced strategies and implementation plans for strengthening marketing and promotion of public markets
Administration Division
Assistant Director (Administration)
Name : Mr WOO Chi-man, Kenneth
Telephone Number: 2867 5083
- Recruitments, appointments and promotion
- Grade management functions for the executive, clerical, secretarial, Artisan and Model Scale I grades
- Staff discipline, performance management and termination of service
- Personnel services and Personnel Management System
- Establishment matters
- Staff relations and staff welfare
- General administrative support services
- Management of departmental transport
- Green and records management
- Occupational safety and health
- Customer service
- Access to information
- Complaints management
- Planning, development and coordination of implementation of FEHD capital and minor works projects
- Advice on effect of land use and town planning proposals on departmental facilities/projects
- Translation and interpretation services
- Departmental information technology policies and systems
Grade Management and Development Division
Assistant Director (Grade Management and Development)
Name : Ms HO Yuen-man, Jacqueline
Telephone Number : 2867 5522
- Development of a comprehensive Human Resources Management strategy for Environmental Hygiene grades (e.g. Health Inspector, Hawker Control Officer and Foreman etc.)
- Grade management and development for Environmental Hygiene grades
- Outsourcing
- Training programmes for Environmental Hygiene grades
- Management services / Value for money studies
- Surveys and statistics
- Quality Assurance
- Formulation and review of procedures and standards on cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria services and management of public cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria
- Business analysis for departmental information technology development
- Implementation of the columbarium development plan and taking forward crematorium projects
Finance and Supplies Division
Chief Treasury Accountant
Name : Ms YUEN Fung-man, Karen
Telephone Number : 2867 5088
- Coordination and preparation of Resource Allocation Exercise and Annual Estimates
- Budgetary control
- Operation of GFMIS and other accounting systems
- Revenue collection
- Procurement of stores/services
- Advice and expertise on financial matters
- Coordination of review of fees and charges
- Setting of appropriate finance and supplies procedures
Public Information and Education Division
Chief Information Officer
Name : Miss AU YEUNG Suk-chong, Mandy
Telephone Number : 2867 5222
- Departmental publicity and public relations
- Dissemination of information to the media and public
- Strategic planning and implementation of public education programmes both on the environmental hygiene and food safety fronts
Internal Audit Division
Senior Treasury Accountant (Internal Audit)
Name : Ms KAM Chui-chu, Rita
Telephone Number : 2382 1544
Senior Accounting Manager (Internal Audit)
Name : Ms LEE Suk-kan, Cecilia
Telephone Number : 2382 1560
- Audit checks on the department's accounting records/systems/procedures
- Review of the adequacy of internal control mechanism