Tuesday 25 March 2025
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Tender Notices

Application for Inclusion in the FEHD Supplier Lists

FEHD maintains lists of suppliers of goods and services for issuing tender notifications. Application for inclusion in the FEHD Supplier Lists is free of charge.

Any firm not currently included but wishing to be considered for inclusion in these lists can download the "Application Form for Inclusion in the List of FEHD Suppliers/Service Providers". Please send the completed set of application form with relevant documents to:

Principal Supplies Officer
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
1/F Oi Kwan Court 28
Oi Kwan Road
Hong Kong.

Form Title: Application Form for Inclusion in the List of FEHD Suppliers/Service Providers

Applications received will be processed by the Department. Subject to confirmation of their credentials, those firms that are found acceptable will be included in the Department's Supplier Lists. To continue staying in these lists, the FEHD Suppliers have to demonstrate their abilities to offer competitive tenders and maintain satisfactory performance in connection with any order(s) or contract(s) which they have been awarded. The Government reserves the right to review the status of a firm as a FEHD Supplier in the light of any new information that may affect such status and remove a firm from the FEHD Supplier Lists at any time without prior notice and without compensation.

Firms in the FEHD Supplier Lists will receive notification on tender issued for the supply of category(ies) of goods or services, for which they have been included as FEHD Suppliers, as and when opportunities arise.

For information about other departments which maintain supplier lists, please click the hyperlink below to make reference to the "List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services" on the website of the Government Logistics Department.


Last revision date: 18 Mar 2024