The purpose of this Guide is to provide members of the public with information on what types of licences required for activities regulated by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (DFEH) under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) and other relevant legislation.
Restaurants, bakeries, cold stores, factory canteens, food factories, temporary food factories, fresh provision shops, frozen confection factories, milk factories, siu mei and lo mei shops and composite food shops are all required to obtain licences from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD). FEHD also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods, such as non-bottled drinks, frozen confections, milk and milk beverages, cut fruit, Chinese herb tea, leung fan, sushi, sashimi, oysters to be eaten in raw state, meat to be eaten in raw state, live fish, shell fish, shell fish (hairy crab) and food sold by means of vending machines, and for operating karaoke establishments in restaurants. Licences are only issued to food premises if they conform to the prescribed safety and hygiene standards laid down by law.
Trade licences are required for operating (a) commercial bathhouses, funeral parlours, offensive trades, swimming pools and undertakers; (b) places of public entertainment, including cinemas, theatres, entertainment machine centres and exhibition venues; and (c) temporary places of public entertainment including charity shows or religious ceremonies held temporarily by Kai Fong or other commodities, circuses holding temporarily and dance parties holding temporarily.
Provisional Licences
To facilitate the setting up of food businesses, FEHD operates a provisional licensing system in which a provisional food business licence is issued to premises that have satisfied all essential health, building and fire safety requirements. A provisional licence is valid for six months, during which time the licensee has to complete all outstanding requirements for the issue of a full licence.
A licence applicant can obtain a provisional licence over the counter from the FEHD Licence Issuing Office within one working day if all the essential licensing requirements are met.
Liquor Licences
To sell liquor, a licence is required from the Liquor Licensing Board. Staff from FEHD provide executive and secretarial support to the board.
Licences/Permits issued by DFEH
Restaurant Licence
A restaurant licence must be obtained from the DFEH for the food business which involves the sale of meals or unbottled non-alcoholic drinks other than Chinese herb tea, for consumption on the premises, but does not include a factory canteen or any business carried on by a hawker who is the holder of a licence under the Hawker Regulation (Cap.132AI). In this connection, a general restaurant licence permits the licensee to use any kind of cooking methods to prepare and sell food for consumption on the premises while a light refreshment restaurant licence allows the licensee to prepare food by using simple cooking methods like boiling, stewing, steaming, braising, simple frying (excluding deep frying and stir frying) which shall not generate large amount of greasy fumes during the food preparation process for sale and consumption on the premises. For the operation of restaurant business on board a vessel, a marine restaurant licence is required.
To apply for a restaurant licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to the FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a restaurant licence, please make reference to the Guide. The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and " How to Apply for Restaurant Licences" respectively.
Bakery Licence
A bakery licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the baking of bread and other bakery products for sale at any premises in the territory before commencement of such business.
To apply for a bakery licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a bakery licence, please make reference to A Guide to Application for Bakery Licence (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Bakery Licence" respectively.
Cold Store Licence
A cold store licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the storage of articles of food under refrigeration in any warehouse in the territory before commencement of such business.
To apply for a cold store licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. The application form is downloadable from FEHD's website at from the column with heading "Application for Food Licence".
Factory Canteen Licence
A factory canteen licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business in a factory building which involves the sale or supply of meals or unbottled non-alcoholic drinks other than Chinese herb tea for consumption on the premises by persons employed in any factory in that factory building, but does not include a restaurant or any business carried on by a hawker who is the holder of a licence under the Hawker Regulation (Cap. 132AI).
To apply for a factory canteen licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a factory canteen licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Factory Canteen Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Factory Canteen Licence" respectively.
Food Factory Licence
A food factory licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the preparation of food for sale for human consumption off the premises, but does not include a frozen confection factory, a milk factory or any business carried on by a hawker who is the holder of a licence under the Hawker Regulation (Cap. 132AI). There are numerous food preparation and manufacturing trades in Hong Kong which need to be covered by a food factory licence. The more common ones are listed below for reference:-
- preparing food or drinks canned, bottled or packaged in other materials.
- preparing soy, pickles or sauces (including gourmet powder and sodium glutamate).
- preserving food, including dried and preserved meat, smoked ham, sausages, lo mei and leung gwo (preserved fruits).
- operating a take-away food shop or providing catering service, etc.
- roasting meat or poultry.
- making confections.
- making bean curd, bean curd whey (soya bean juice), dehydrated bean curd whey, fermented bean curd and fermented taro curd (nam yue), etc.
- making noodles, rice noodles, vermicelli, macaroni, spaghetti and bean threads, etc.
- manufacturing light refreshments (such as peanuts, shrimp slices, crisps) and puddings.
- manufacturing gluten and products from gluten such as vegetarian lo mei.
- processing food, such as manufacturing fish balls, shrimp balls, meat balls and frying pig skin, etc.
- manufacturing distilled water/bottling water.
However, a milk factory licence is required for any business in pasteurizing, manufacturing and packaging of reconstituted milk drinks; a frozen confection factory licence is required for the manufacture of ice cream, soft ice cream and popsicles, etc.; and a bakery licence is required for any business in baking of bread and other bakery products.
To apply for a food factory licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a food factory licence, please make reference to " A Guide to Application for Food Factory Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Food Factory Licence" respectively.
Temporary Food Factory Licence
A temporary food factory licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the operation of a stall/kiosk of temporary nature for sale of heating up / warming pre-cooked food and/or cooking of pre-prepared, ready-to-cook food for human consumption off the premises in conjunction with a public function (e.g. exhibitions, shows, sports competitions, concerts, etc.) of short duration before commencement of such business. The validity period of a temporary food factory licence will not exceed 7 days. Please note that the licensee of a temporary food factory is allowed to sell only pre-cooked food and/or pre-prepared, ready-to-cook food supplied from licensed food factories or other lawful sources. Unless otherwise approved by Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, only electricity shall be used as fuel for heating up / warming of pre-cooked food and/or cooking of pre-prepared, ready-to-cook food on the premises subject to satisfying suitable facilities requirements. No deep frying, stir frying, grilling etc. or any other food preparation and cooking methods which generate large amount of greasy fumes in the course of cooking shall be allowed in the premises.
To apply for a temporary food factory licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 201A / FEHB 201B to FEHD for necessary action. The application forms are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the column with headings "Application for a Temporary Food Factory Licence (To Be Issued in the Name of an Individual)" and "Application for a Temporary Food Factory Licence (To Be Issued in the Name of a Corporation) ".
Fresh Provision Shop Licence
A fresh provision shop licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the sale of fresh, chilled or frozen beef, mutton, pork, reptiles (including live reptiles), fish (including live fish) or poultry (including live poultry), but does not include a restaurant, factory canteen, market stall or any business carried on by a hawker who is the holder of a licence under the Hawker Regulation (Cap. 132AI).
To apply for a fresh provision shop licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a fresh provision shop licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Fresh Provision Shop Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Fresh Provision Shop Licence" respectively.
Frozen Confection Factory Licence
A frozen confection factory licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves, within the meaning of the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap. 132AC), the manufacture of any frozen confection in the territory before commencement of such business. The manufacture of soft ice cream from pre-prepared mixture in a dispensing machine for direct retail also requires a frozen confection factory licence. However, if the manufacture of frozen confections is carried out in a restaurant licensed under the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X) for customers' consumption on the premises, no separate frozen confection factory licence is required.
To apply for a frozen confection factory licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a frozen confection factory licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Frozen Confection Factory Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Frozen Confection Factory Licence" respectively.
Milk Factory Licence
A milk factory licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves, within the meaning of the Milk Regulation (Cap. 132AQ), the processing or reconstitution of milk or any milk beverage in the territory before commencement of such business. However, if milk is processed or reconstituted milk or milk beverages are prepared in a restaurant licensed under the Food Business Regulations (Cap. 132X) for customers' consumption on the premises, no separate milk factory licence is required.
To apply for a milk factory licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for milk factory licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Milk Factory Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Milk Factory Licence" respectively.
Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence
A siu mei and lo mei shop licence must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the sale by retail of siu mei or lo mei, but does not include a restaurant, factory canteen or any business carried on by a hawker who is the holder of a licence under the Hawker Regulation (Cap. 132AI). For restaurant licensees selling siu mei and lo mei at their premises, only permission from FEHD in the form of endorsement onto their licences for the sale of these food items is required.
Siu mei and lo mei shops are only allowed for the retail sale of siu mei and lo mei supplied by licensed food factories or other lawful sources. If applicants intend to prepare siu mei and lo mei by themselves at their premises, they need to apply separately for a food factory licence. When applications for fresh provision shop (fresh meat or frozen/fresh meat) and siu mei and lo mei shop licences are made simultaneously for premises with sufficient space for both businesses to be carried on separately (e.g. corner house), the proposed siu mei and lo mei shop must be separated from the rest of the premises by brick walls to the full height with separate entrance from the street.
To apply for a siu mei and lo mei shop licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 94 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a siu mei and lo mei shop licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence" respectively.
Composite Food Shop Licence
A composite food shop licence covers the sale and preparation for sale of various specified types of simple or ready-to-eat foods that do not involve complicated preparation. Under Food Business Regulation (Cap 132X )(FBR), any person who intends to conduct food business which involves the sale and preparation for sale of all or any of the foods or classes of food specified in Part 1 of Schedule 2A to the FBR, the sale of all or any of the foods or classes of food specified in Part 2 of that Schedule, the reheating of pre-cooked food for sale and the sale of food by a vending machine for human consumption off the premises in Hong Kong, shall obtain a Composite Food Shop Licence issued by DFEH before commencement of such business.
The applicant of a Composite Food Shop Licence may choose to sell and / or prepare for sale of all or any combination of the following specified foods in the licensed premises and only electricity is allowed to be used as fuel:
- Foods or Classes of Food that may be Prepared for Sale and Sold at Composite Food Shop
- Coffee
- Tea
- Salad
- Sandwich
- Waffle
- Sashimi
- Sushi
- Oyster to be eaten in raw state
- Soft ice cream
- Frozen carbonated beverage;
- Foods or Classes of Food that may be Sold at Composite Food Shop
- Siu Mei or Lo Mei
- Cut fruit
- Leung Fan
- Non-bottled drinks
- Frozen confections
- Chinese herb tea
- Milk or any milk beverage within the meaning of the Milk Regulation (Cap. 132 AQ) other than milk or milk beverage approved by the Director under section 5(2) of that Regulation
- Sashimi
- Sushi
- Oyster to be eaten in raw state;
- Reheating of pre-cooked food for sale
- Sale of food by a vending machine
To apply for a composite food shop licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 244 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for composite food shop licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Composite Food Shop Licence" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Food Licence" and "How to Apply for a Composite Food Shop Licence" respectively.
Restricted Food Permits
Save with the permission of DFEH, no person shall sell, or offer or expose for sale, or possess for sale or for use in the preparation of any article of food for sale, any of the foods specified in Schedule 2 of the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X). In this connection, a restricted food permit must be obtained from DFEH for the food business which involves the sale of any of the restricted foods such as the following:-
- non-bottled drinks
- frozen confections
- milk and milk beverages
- cut fruit
- Chinese herb tea
- leung fan
- sushi
- sashimi
- oysters to be eaten in raw state
- meat to be eaten in raw state
- live fish
- shell fish
- shell fish (hairy crab)
- food sold by means of a vending machine
- online sale of pre-packaged fresh, chilled and frozen meat (such as beef, pork and mutton)
- online sale of pre-packaged sushi and sashimi
- online sale of pre-packaged oysters to be eaten in raw state
- online sale of pre-packaged fresh, chilled and frozen shell fish
- online sale of frozen confections in original cups and wrappers
- online sale of shell fish (hairy crab)
- online sale of other types of pre-packaged restricted foods
Before making an application for the more common type of restricted food permits such as non-bottled drinks permit, frozen confections permit, milk permit and online restricted food permit, the applicant should note the following for reference :-
Non-bottled drinks
Non-bottled drinks are those drinks prepared for immediate consumption and do not require storage in sealed bottles, cans or other containers, for example, fresh fruit juice, diluted drinks prepared from concentrated fruit juice or syrup, soya bean juice, etc. Drinks sold from a manual dispensing machine also belong to this category. However, if non-bottled drinks are sold by a coin-operated automatic vending machine, a permit for such machine shall have to be applied for separately.
Frozen confections
If a machine for the manufacture of soft ice cream is installed in a shop which is issued with a frozen confection permit for selling frozen confections, a separate frozen confection factory licence for the manufacture of soft ice cream from the soft ice cream machine is also required.
A milk permit is not required for the sale in sealed containers of sterilized milk or sterilized milk beverage which have been approved by the DFEH.
Online Sale of Restricted foods
All restricted foods for sale or offered for sale on website or online platform account shall be pre-prepared, pre-packaged and supplied by approved suppliers. No storage, handling (such as cutting up, slicing, packing or wrapping, etc.) or preparation of restricted foods shall be conducted at the place where the online sale business is conducted. Otherwise, a relevant restricted food permit or an appropriate food business licence may be required under Food Business Regulation. If different types of restricted foods are offered for sale online on the same website or online platform account, each type of restricted food should be covered by a separate permit. Applicant may also choose to apply for a Composite Restricted Foods Permit.
To apply for a restricted food permit relevant to the proposed food business, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 95 / FEHD 95B to FEHD for necessary action. For details of applications for restricted food permit, online restricted food permit, composite restricted foods permit and online composite restricted foods permit, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Restricted Food Permits and Composite Restricted Foods Permit" or "A Guide to Application for Restricted Food Permits and Composite Restricted Foods Permit (Online Sale of Restricted Foods)" (Guides). The application form and the Guides are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Permit" and "How to Apply for Restricted Food Permits and Composite Restricted Foods Permit/Restricted Food Permits and Composite Restricted Foods Permit (Online Sale of Restricted Foods)" respectively.
Karaoke Establishment Permit
A karaoke establishment permit must be obtained from DFEH for the trade or business which involves any place opened, kept or used for the purpose of karaoke in a restaurant that has been granted with a restaurant licence by DFEH under the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X). A karaoke establishment permit will only be valid so long as the restaurant licence remains valid.
Karaoke establishment does not include bona fide restaurants which are, in this context, restaurants licensed by DFEH, providing karaoke facilities and satisfying the following criteria:-
- The aggregate areas of all rooms partitioned for karaoke activities do not exceed 30% of the seating area in the restaurant. "Seating area" is defined as the aggregate floor area of entertainment rooms, corridors, lounge, dining areas, dancing areas (where applicable) and reception areas; and
- The number of rooms partitioned for karaoke activities does not exceed the quotient obtained from dividing the total seating area in square metres by 100m 2.
(Rooms enclosed by sliding partitions and movable partitions are not regarded as partitioned rooms.)
The licensees of bona fide restaurants have to apply to FEHD for exemption from the application of the Karaoke Establishments Ordinance (Cap. 573) on the restaurants by submitting an application form FEHB 180 together with a copy of the layout plan of the licensed restaurant. The application form is downloadable from FEHD's website at
To apply for a karaoke establishment permit, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 175 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for a karaoke establishment permit, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Karaoke Establishment Permits in Restaurants" (Guide). The application form and the Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for Karaoke Establishment Permit" and "How to Apply for Karaoke Establishment Permit" respectively.
Other Trade Licences
(Commercial Bathhouse Licence / Funeral Parlour Licence / Offensive Trade Licence / Swimming Pool Licence / Undertaker's Licence)
Commercial Bathhouse Licence
A commercial bathhouse licence must be obtained from DFEH for the business which involves any premises maintained or intended to be maintained for the use, on payment of a fee, of persons requiring a bath, but does not include any swimming pool or any bathhouse managed by DFEH. In this connection, commercial bathhouse includes premises offering sauna or Turkish baths to customers for use, on payment of a fee.
To apply for a commercial bathhouse licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 105 to FEHD for necessary action. The application form is downloadable from FEHD's website at from the column with heading "Application for Other Trade Licences".
Funeral Parlour Licence
A funeral parlour licence must be obtained from DFEH for the business of carrying on a mortuary, but does not include:-
- any place set apart under the provisions of the Coroners Ordinance (Cap. 504) for the reception of dead bodies for the purpose of post mortem examination;
- any mortuary situated within the precincts of any hospital or similar institution which is maintained or controlled by the Crown, by the University of Hong Kong provided for by the University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1053) or by The Chinese University of Hong Kong provided for by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109);
- any mortuary situated within the precincts of any hospital carried on by a person duly registered in respect thereof under the Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Ordinance (Cap. 165);
- any mortuary which is designated as a public funeral hall under section 123A of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132);
- the Tung Wah Hospital Repository situated at Sandy Bay , Hong Kong; or
- any place set apart for the purpose of washing dead bodies in accordance with Islamic rites, prior to burial, at-
- the Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islam Centre at 40, Oi Kwan Road, Hong Kong;
- the Muslim Cemetery , Cape Collinson , Hong Kong ; or
- the Muslim Cemetery , Happy Valley , Hong Kong .
To apply for a funeral parlour licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 105 to FEHD for necessary action. The application form is downloadable from FEHD's website at from the column with heading "Application for Other Trade Licences".
Offensive Trade Licence
An offensive trade licence must be obtained from DFEH for the following activities:-
- Boiling of bones
- Burning of bones
- Crushing of bones
- Scraping of bones
- Storing of bones
- Manufacture of chloride of lime
- Boiling of fat
- Fell-mongery
- Cleaning of feathers
- Sorting of feathers
- Storing of feathers
- Processing of fish meal
- Manufacture of glue
- Manufacture of gluten reduced starch (Tung Min) by fermentation process
- Cleaning of hair
- Boiling of lard
- Dressing of leather
- Tanning of leather
- Crushing, packing or otherwise dealing in any way with manganese ore or manganese dioxide
- Processing of manure
- Boiling of resin
- Processing of sharks' fins
- Manufacture of size
- Boiling of soap
- Melting of tallow
To apply for an offensive trade licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 105 to FEHD for necessary action. The application form is downloadable from FEHD¡¦s website at from the column with heading "Application for Other Trade Licences".
Swimming Pool Licence
A swimming pool licence must be obtained from DFEH for any artificially constructed pool used for swimming or bathing and to which the public have access (whether on payment or otherwise) or which is operated by any club, institution, association or other organization. A swimming pool licence is not required for any swimming pool which serves not more than 20 residential units and to which the public have no access.
To apply for a swimming pool licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 105 to FEHD for necessary action. The application form is downloadable from FEHD's website at from the column with heading "Application for Other Trade Licences".
Undertaker's Licence
An undertaker's licence must be obtained from DFEH for the business which involves the undertaking of all or any duties connected with the burial of human cadavers. In this connection, a funeral director shall also apply for an undertaker¡¦s licence to operate his business of undertaker of burials.
To apply for an undertaker's licence, the applicant should submit an application form FEHB 105 to FEHD for necessary action. The application form is downloadable from FEHD's website at from the column with heading "Application for Other Trade Licences".
Places of Public Entertainment Licence
A place of public entertainment licence must be obtained from DFEH for keeping or using (a) so much of any place, building, erection or structure, whether temporary or permanent, capable of accommodating the public; and (b) any vessel, in or on which a public entertainment is presented or carried on whether on one occasion or more. In this connection, the legal definitions of "entertainment", "public entertainment", "stage performance" and "dance party" are listed below for ease of reference:-
"Entertainment" includes the following or any part of any of them:-
- a concert, opera, ballet, stage performance or other musical, dramatic or theatrical entertainment;
- a cinematograph or laser projection display;
- a circus;
- lecture or story-telling;
- an exhibition of any 1 or more of the following, namely, pictures, photographs, books, manuscripts or other documents or other things;
- a sporting exhibition or contest;
- a bazaar;
- an amusement ride within the meaning of the Amusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance (Cap. 449) or any mechanical device (other than such an amusement ride) which is designed for amusement;
- a dance party.
"Public entertainment" means any entertainment within the meaning of the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance (Cap. 172) to which the general public is admitted with or without payment.
"Stage performance" includes a tragedy, melodrama, comedy, farce, pantomime, revue, burlesque, burletta, shadow play, an exhibition of dancing, conjuring or juggling, an acrobatic performance and any other stage event including an interlude.
"Dance party" means an event with all of the following attributes-
- music or rhythmic sound of any kind or source is provided at the event;
- the primary activity at the event is dancing by the person attending the event;
- either-
- the number of persons attending the event exceeds 200 on at least one occasion during the event; or
- any part of the event occurs between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
To apply for places of public entertainment licence, the applicant should submit application form FEHB 104 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for application for places of public entertainment licence (cinemas/theatres), please make reference to " A Guide to Application for Places of Public Entertainment Licence (Cinemas/Theatres)" (Guide 1). For details of application for application for places of public entertainment licence for places other than cinemas/theatres such as entertainment machine centres and exhibition venues, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Places of Public Entertainment Licence for Places Other Than Cinemas/Theatres)" (Guide 2) as appropriate. The application form and Guide 1 / Guide 2 are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for a Place of Public Entertainment Licence" and "How to Apply for Places of Public Entertainment Licence (Cinemas/Theatres)" / "How to Apply for Places of Public Entertainment Licence for Places Other Than Cinemas/Theatres" respectively.
Temporary Places of Public Entertainment Licence
A temporary place of public entertainment licence must be obtained from DFEH if a public entertainment event will take place on a temporary basis. Please note that application for a temporary place of public entertainment licence should be made to FEHD:
- at least 42 days for function requiring erection of temporary structure; or
- at least 18 days for function other than dance party not requiring erection of temporary structure; or
- at least 7 working days for dance party not requiring erection of temporary structure.
To apply for a temporary place of public entertainment licence, the applicant should submit application form FEHB 104 to FEHD for necessary action. For details of application for temporary places of public entertainment licence such as charity shows or religious ceremonies held temporarily by kai fong or other communities, circuses holding temporarily and dance parties holding temporarily, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Places of Public Entertainment Licence for Places Other Than Cinemas/Theatres)" (Guide). The application form and Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for a Place of Public Entertainment Licence" and "How to Apply for Places of Public Entertainment Licence for Places Other Than Cinemas/Theatres" respectively.
Liquor Licence and Club Liquor Licence
Liquor Licence
A liquor licence must be obtained from the Liquor Licensing Board (LLB) for the business which involves sale of liquor for consumption on the premises which are issued with a restaurant licence by DFEH before commencement of such business.
To apply for a liquor licence, the applicant should submit application form FEHB 106 to LLB for necessary action. For details of application for liquor licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences" (Guide). The application form and Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for New Issue of a Liquor Licence" and "How to apply for Liquor Licence and Club Liquor Licence" respectively.
Club Liquor Licence
A club liquor licence must be obtained from the Liquor Licensing Board for the business which involves supply of liquor in any premises used by a club for the purpose of the club before commencement of such business.
To apply for a club liquor licence, the applicant should submit application form FEHB 107 to LLB for necessary action. For details of application for a club liquor licence, please make reference to "A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences" (Guide). The application form and Guide are downloadable from FEHD's website at from the columns with headings "Application for New Issue of a Club Liquor Licence" and "How to apply for Liquor Licence and Club Liquor Licence" respectively.
Online Licence Services for Applications for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences
With effect from 1 August 2010, the Liquor Licensing Board accepts electronic applications for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences. The "Online Licence Services" website ( provides electronic licence services to facilitate applicants in submitting their Liquor Licence or Club Liquor Licence applications, and checking their application status online.