24 December 2021

To: Licensees of catering premises

Continuous Compliance with Air Change Requirement -
Ensure Air Purifiers Are Switched On and Functioning Properly

Further to our letters dated 8 and 10 December 2021, we are writing to remind persons-in-charge of catering premises to comply with the requirements under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F), in particular those on air change or air purifiers, in order to protect the health of their staff, customers and members of the public, as well as to fortify public confidence in patronising catering premises.

As indicated by the Government, COVID-19, particularly the latest Omicron mutant strain, continues to spread rapidly around the world.  In view of the unstable epidemic situation in various places across the globe and the tradition for families and friends to get together during Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year holidays, the risk of transmission may further increase.  As customers are mask-off when consuming food/drink in catering premises, good and highly effective air change rates or air purifiers can help reduce the risk of virus transmission.  The Government urges the public and licensees/persons-in-charge of catering premises to remain vigilant in adopting epidemic control measures in order to avoid a rebound of the epidemic.

In accordance with the directions issued under Cap. 599F, persons-in-charge of catering premises with air purifiers installed must properly switch on, operate, maintain and repair the air purifiers in accordance with the manufacturer manual when the premises is opened for business.

As mentioned in the Guidelines published by the Working Group on Implementing the Requirement on Air Change or Air Purifiers in Dine-in Restaurants under Cap. 599F (the Working Group), the registered specialist contractors (ventilation works category) (RSC(V)) calculates the number of air purifiers required and determines the placement of air purifiers in the seating areas, having regard to the on-the-ground situation and the manufacturer manual, and completes the certificate based on information as provided by air purifier manufacturers.  Please place the air purifiers in suitable places as recommended by the RSC(V) and properly switch on and operate the air purifiers in accordance with the manufacturer manual.

As stated in our letter dated 10 December 2021, we have mentioned in the reference video uploaded onto the Food and Environmental Health Department (FEHD)'s webpage in the second quarter of 2021 that for HEPA air purifiers, one must regularly maintain the device as per the manufacturer's instructions, and regularly replace the HEPA filter according to the interval recommended by the manufacturer; whereas for UVC air purifiers, one must regularly maintain the device as per the manufacturer's instructions, and, after having the UVC light switched off, clean the shields using proper equipment and remove the dust inside the device.  Please see to proper maintenance and repair for the air purifiers in accordance with the manufacturer's manual.

On 15 December 2021, the Working Group published the Final Report on Compliance with the Requirement on Air Change or Air Purifiers in Seating Areas of Dine-in Catering Premises under Cap. 599F, recapitulating its work and outcome and consolidating its experience into useful insights for future  sharing / exchange purpose.  The Final Report compiled by the Working Group has been uploaded to the FEHD's thematic webpage.

Catering business operators are strongly advised to fight the virus together in a persistent manner and adhere to the latest guidelines at all times.  They must ensure that the requirements and directions for prevention and control of diseases are strictly complied by their staff during their operation, and by their customers at the time when they enter the premises as well as during their meal and stay in the premises.  We urge that continuous and strict compliance with the regulations relating to prevention and control of diseases during and around Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year holidays for protection of personal health and public health.  Stringent enforcement actions will be taken against those in defiance of the legislation relating to prevention and control of diseases, environmental health and food safety.

Early Vaccination for All!