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Reforming the Food Business Licensing Regime – Relaxing the Restrictions on Food Items Sold by Light Refreshment Restaurants

Under the prevailing Light Refreshment Restaurant (LRR) licensing regime, licensees may only choose to sell food from one of the six specified food groups (please refer to the lists at: The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) considers the types of cuisine and cooking methods becoming more diversified over the years, on the premise that food safety and environmental hygiene are not compromised, with effect from 1 March 2023, will relax the restrictions on food items sold by LRRs.  Restrictions will be imposed on the cooking method instead.

Under the new regulatory regime, an LRR can basically sell any food item. As LRRs are generally small in scale and use simple cooking equipment, they are only allowed to adopt simple cooking methods [(e.g. boiling, stewing, steaming, braising and simple frying (excluding deep frying and stir frying)] that do not generate a large amount of greasy fumes will be permitted during food preparation.  No cooking or food re-heating activities (e.g. hotpot, Teppanyaki or Korean style BBQs) are allowed in the seating area, so as to safeguard environmental hygiene and safety of patrons.

The above-mentioned initiatives will apply to all LRR licence applied after 1 March 2023.  Current LRR licensees / applicants may also choose to adhere to their original mode of operation, i.e. selling food items of a specified group or they may apply to the FEHD for amendment to the specified groups of food items on their existing licences.

* The examples in the pictures above are for reference only and do not include all the permitted or unpermitted cooking activities.

  • For Existing Light Refreshment Restaurant (LRR) Licensees :
    • Can choose to adhere to their original mode of operation, i.e. selling food items of a specified group in accordance with the existing licence, without having to make any alterations to their premises or an amendment to their current licences.
    • If choosing to follow the new restrictions imposed on the cooking activities (i.e. carry out simple cooking activities that do not generate a large amount of greasy fumes) to replace the original business mode, shall apply to the respective District Environmental Hygiene Office of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD).
    • If the switch to the mode of operation under the new regulatory regime will involve alterations of the premises layout of the food room, cooking equipment, fuel used, and ventilation system of the food room, etc., shall lodge applications for approval of alteration with the respective District Environmental Hygiene Office prior to such alterations.
    • Application processing time for switching to the mode of operation under the new regulatory regime depends on whether the application submitted involves any alteration to premises layout(s) or plan(s), or any change of cooking equipment and fuel used, etc.
  • For LRR Licence Applicants (for those with applications submitted before 1 March 2023) :
    • Can choose to maintain their original proposed mode of business, i.e. selling food items of a specified group, to continue their licence applications.

    • If choosing to follow the new restrictions imposed on the cooking activities (i.e. carrying out simple cooking activities that do not generate a large amount of greasy fumes) to continue their licence applications, shall apply to the relevant Licensing Office of the FEHD as soon as possible and before reporting of compliance with all licensing requirements.

    • If the switch to the new regulatory regime to continue the licence applications will involve alterations of the premises layout of the food room, cooking equipment, fuel used, and ventilation system of the food room, etc., shall submit to the Licensing Office the revised plan(s) as soon as possible.  FEHD will consult relevant government departments on the alterations to the original layout of the premises if deemed necessary.

    • If a provisional LRR licence has already been granted and choose to switch to the mode of operation under the new regulatory regime, shall also apply to the respective District Environmental Hygiene Office of the FEHD at the same time.

  • For LRR Licence Applicants (for those with applications submitted on or after 1 March 2023) :
    • Shall follow the new restrictions imposed on the cooking activities (i.e. carrying out simple cooking activities that do not generate a large amount of greasy fumes).
Last revision date: 17 Feb 2023