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Press Releases

FEHD launches voluntary declaration scheme on air changes in licensed catering premises

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (October 16) launched a voluntary declaration scheme on air changes in catering premises and set up an online platform for licensed catering premises to declare the information of air changes per hour of the ventilation system and/or air purification devices installed in their catering premises to enable the public's identification of catering premises which have met the recommendations made by public health expert advisers.

A spokesman for the FEHD said that, to achieve a better anti-epidemic effect, public health expert advisers have recommended enhancement of air ventilation in catering premises to a minimum of six air changes per hour; and if it has yet to reach that recommended level, the catering premises may install air purification devices fulfilling the relevant specifications in the seating areas (see the FEHD's webpage for details) as an alternative.

In fact, the ventilation systems of some licensed catering premises have already met the air change rate as recommended by public health expert advisers. To help the public identify clearly the relevant catering premises, the FEHD has set up an online platform ( for licensed catering premises to declare voluntarily the air changes per hour of the ventilation system and/or air purification devices installed in their premises.

Licensees of general restaurants, light refreshment restaurants, marine restaurants and factory canteens, starting from today to December 31, can declare voluntarily through the online platform information that they have met the recommendation of having a minimum of six air changes per hour in their catering premises. A certificate issued by a registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category) has to be submitted at the same time. Upon confirmation, the information will be shown on the list of licensed premises at the FEHD website. In addition, an air change calculator is also available at the online platform for licensees to make a preliminary calculation on the air change rate of the ventilation system in their premises.

The spokesman said that catering premises that have yet to meet the relevant air change recommendation can install air purification devices with Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) or UV-C combined High-efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) air purification technology, which fulfil the relevant specifications, to enhance the anti-epidemic effect. The relevant information on air purification devices voluntarily declared by catering premises will also be shown on the list of licensed catering premises at the FEHD website for public reference.

The FEHD spokesman appealed to food business operators to actively participate in the voluntary declaration scheme and enhance the air ventilation in their catering premises when necessary to achieve a better anti-epidemic effect, so as to keep their staff, customers and the public safe. For details about the scheme, please visit the FEHD website.
Ends/Friday, October 16, 2020

Last revision date: 16 Oct 2020