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Press Releases

FEHD reminds catering business operators to continuously comply with requirements on air change or air purifiers

A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (December 24) reminded catering business operators again that they must strictly observe the requirements (including those on air change or air purifiers to be complied with in dine-in catering premises) under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) (the Regulation), so as to protect the health of staff, customers and the public, and to fortify the public's confidence in patronising catering premises.

The spokesman said, "COVID-19, particularly the latest Omicron mutant strain, continues to spread rapidly around the world. In view of the tradition for families and friends to get together during Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year holidays, the risk of virus transmission may further increase as customers will take off their masks when having a meal at catering premises. Indoor catering premises with sufficient air change per hour (ACH) or equipped with air purifiers of good and high efficacy performance can help reduce the risk of virus transmission."

Under the Regulation, catering premises operators are required to register at the FEHD's webpage that the ACH at seating areas of their premises has reached at least six, or air purifiers that meet the specified specifications have been installed according to the on-the-ground situation, together with a certificate issued by a registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category). In addition, they must, after air purifiers have been installed at the premises, properly switch on, operate, maintain and repair the air purifiers in accordance with the manufacturer's manual when their premises are open for business. The FEHD is going to issue advisory letters again to catering business operators reminding them to comply with the relevant requirements. The letter has also been uploaded to the FEHD's webpage.

To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the spokesman appealed to catering business operators and the public to continue to comply with the relevant regulations on prevention and control of disease in a concerted and persistent manner during, as well as before and after Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year holidays, to protect personal and public health. He also stressed that the FEHD will take stringent enforcement actions against those in violation of regulations on prevention and control of disease, environmental hygiene and food safety, etc.
Ends/Friday, December 24, 2021

Last revision date: 24 Dec 2021