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Press Releases

Composite Restricted Foods Permit to open for applications on January 1, 2025

With a view to facilitating the trade selling multiple restricted food items, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will introduce a Composite Restricted Foods Permit. This permit will cover the sale of multiple restricted foods, including non-bottled drinks, dairy products, ice cream in original wrappers at the same premises or on online platforms. Applications for the new permit will open on January 1, 2025.

The Composite Restricted Foods Permit (including online sale of restricted foods) will allow permit holders to sell multiple restricted foods (except food sold by means of a vending machine) at the same premises or online platform. The fee for each permit is generally $810. As for the existing arrangements and fees for single-item restricted food permits involving sale of one restricted food item, these will remain unchanged. Applicants may choose to apply for each kind of permit according to their needs.

The Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X) stipulates that any person who would like to sell the restricted food items specified in Schedule 2 of the Regulation including non-bottled drinks, dairy products, ice cream in original wrappers, etc is required to obtain written permission issued by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene to ensure the premises complies with hygienic standards and the wholesomeness of the food supplied therefrom. If more than one kind of restricted food items are to be sold, whether or not on the same premises or through an online platform, the applicant is required to submit separate applications.

A spokesman for the FEHD said, "Upon review, the FEHD finds that most operators selling restricted foods are required to comply with similar basic licensing requirements and conditions such as the provision of washing, disinfection and storage facilities, mains water supply, etc. As such, the FEHD has streamlined the application processes to make it more convenient."

For details of the application for the Composite Restricted Foods Permit, please visit the FEHD website:

Ends/Monday, December 30, 2024

Last revision date: 30 Dec 2024