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Pest Management and Safety

Planning and Occupational Safety in Pest Control - Part One
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. The concept of Integrated Pest Management entails:

  2. Pest control staff:

  3. In supervising the operator on how to handle undiluted pesticides, the manager should ensure that the operator:

  4. Which of the following is a physical control method?

  5. Using Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i.) to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes is a:

  6. Pesticides should be stored :

  7. Which of the following description is incorrect with regard to the use of the respirator as personal protective equipment?

  8. Which of the following is not the personal protective equipment to be used for pest control work?

  9. Safe preparation of chemicals does not entail that:

  10. Training in safe use of pesticides does not include:

Last revision date: 12 Jan 2018