Sunday 16 March 2025
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Pest Biology

Life Cycle and Behaviour of Pests - Part One
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. Small water bodies (e.g. standing water in pot plant saucers) can generally breed:

  2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of mosquitoes?

  3. The life cycle of Aedes albopictus is in the sequence of:

  4. Larval mosquitoes have:

  5. Which of the following are the breeding grounds for Aedes albopictus?
    a. water-logged abandoned fields
    b. choked drains
    c. tyres with accumulation of water
    d. pitcher plants

  6. Which of the following is a CORRECT description of the biology and characteristics of cockroaches?

  7. Which of the following species of rodents is commonly found in store rooms or tiny spaces?

  8. Which of the following creatures are insects?

  9. Which of the following creatures is not blood sucking?

  10. Which of the following is NOT a feature of wasps?

Last revision date: 12 Jan 2018