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Internet What do you know about rodent control Quiz Game

What do you know about rodent control

  1. Besides house rat and mouse, what kind of rat is commonly found in the urban of Hong Kong?

  2. The harm(s) brought by rat include(s):

  3. Besides plague, scrub typhus, urban typhus etc., rodents can also transmit

  4. Which of the following group(s) of people is/are relatively more vulnerable to be bitten by rat?

  5. Which of the following(s) could be used for determining the presence of rat infestation?

  6. Apart from eliminating the harbouarges and entrances for rodents, we should also

  7. Which of the following can eliminate the food source for rodent?

  8. For blocking the passage of rodents, the threshold clearance of doors must not be more than

Last revision date: 10 Jan 2023