Wednesday 12 March 2025
Mainly Cloudy
Relative Humidity86%
Weather Last Update 21:10

Hawker Blackspots

Central Western District Hawker Blackspots

Locations at which No Prior Warning would be given by HCT staff
before taking Prosecution Action against Hawking and Related Offences

( C/W District )

List A : Unlicensed Hawker Blackspots Note

Serial No. Locations
1 Vicinity of Statue Square and The Court of Final Appeal
2 Vicinity of Chater Garden and Murray Road
3 Footbridge along Connaught Road Central and vicinity

List B : Major thoroughfares and areas of high pedestrian flow

Serial No. Locations
1 Queensway (between Justice Drive and Garden Road), Justice Drive, Supreme Court Road, Tamar Street, Drake Street & Rodney Street

Admiralty MTR Station Entrances/Exits & vicinity

  1. Admiralty Centre (A Exit)
  2. Lippo Centre (B Exit)
  3. Queensway Plaza (C Exit)
  4. United Centre (D Exit)
  5. Harcourt Garden (E & F Exit)
3 All footbridges in Admiralty
4 Connaught Place , Edinburgh Place and ex-Star Ferry Pier (between covered walkway and tunnel)
5 Garden Road (between Queen's Road Central & Upper Albert Road), Lower Albert Road , Upper Albert Road and Battery Path
6 Central MTR Station - All Entrances/Exits & vicinity (A - J Exit)
7 Douglas Street , Douglas Lane & Chiu Lung Street
8 Connaught Road Central (between Jackson Road and Wing Woo Street)
9 Des Voeux Road Central (between Statue Square and Wing Woo Street)
10 Queen's Road Central (between Garden Road and Wellington Street )
11 Man Kwong Street (between Pier No.2 -7), Man Po Street , Finance Street , Man Yiu Street , Man Cheung Street , Harbour View Street and MTR Airport Express HK Station Entrances/Exits
12 Wellington Street (between D'Aguilar Street & Cochrane Street), Stanley Street (between D'Aguilar Street & Cochrane Street), D'Aguilar Street & Lan Kwai Fong
13 Escalator to Mid-Level (between Queen's Road Central & Conduit Road) & Cochrane Street
14 Sheung Wan MTR Station All Entrances/Exits & vicinity (A - E Exit)
15 345 Queen's Road Central, Morrison Street (between Queen's Road Central & Des Voeux Road Central), Bonham Strand (between Possession Street & Morrison Street)
16 Centre Street (between High Street & Des Voeux Road West), First Street (between Centre Street Market and Eastern Street), Second Street (between Centre Street Market and Sai Ying Pun Market) and Third Street (between Sai Ying Pun Market and Western Street)
17 Queen's Road West (between Whitty Street & Hill Road) & Whitty Street (between Queen's Road West and Des Voeux Road West )
18 Belcher's Street (between Sands Street & Davis Street)
19 Rock Hill Street, Smithfield (between Catchick Street and Kennedy Town Swimming Pool) and North Street (between Catchick Street and Rock Hill Street)
20 Peak Road (Outside Peak Galleria), Findlay Road (between Peak Tower & Lion Pavilion) & Findlay Path

Note : Areas usually with conglomeration of illegal hawkers according to observation.

Last revision date: 18 Apr 2019