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Hawker Blackspots

Tai Po District Hawker Blackspots

Locations at which No Prior Warning would be given by HCT staff
before taking Prosecution Action against Hawking and Related Offences

(Tai Po District)

List A : Unlicensed Hawker Blackspots Note

Serial No. Locations
1 Nil

List B : Major thoroughfares and areas of high pedestrian flow

Serial No. Locations
1 Tai Po Market MTR Subway
2 Luk Heung Lane/Tung Cheong Street/Plover Cove Road-including Tung Fat Square, Tung Sau Square & Tung Mau Square
3 On Fu Road/Pak Shing Street-including Tsing Yuen Street, Yan Hing Street, Sui On Street, Hei Yuen Street & Shung Tak Street
4 Wai Yan Street/Nam Shing Street/ Wai Yi Street
5 Four Lanes'- including Heung Sze Wui Street, Heung Sze Wui Square, Po Heung Square, Tai Kwong Lane, Kwong Fuk Lane, Kwong Fuk Square, Tai Wing Lane & Tai Ming Lane
6 Vicinity of Tai Po Hui & Tai Wo MTR Station
7 Tai Wo Footbridge
8 Vicinity of Jade Plaza
9 Footbridge leading to Tai Po Centre
10 Nam Hang Tsuen

Note : Areas usually with conglomeration of illegal hawkers according to observation.

Last revision date: 10 May 2017