Wednesday 26 March 2025
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Relative Humidity80%
Weather Last Update 23:10

Hawker Blackspots

Wan Chai District Hawker Blackspots

Locations at which No Prior Warning would be given by HCT staff
before taking Prosecution Action against Hawking and Related Offences

(Wan Chai District)

List A : Unlicensed Hawker Blackspots Note

Serial No. Locations
1 Wan Chai Road (between Johnston Road and Cross Street), Tai Yuen Street, Cross Street, Stone Nullah Lane (between Johnston Road and Cross Street) and the vicinity
2 Bowrington Road (between Hennessy Road and Sharp Street West) and Wan Chai Road (between Canal Road West and Tin Lok Lane)

List B : Major thoroughfares and areas of high pedestrian flow

Serial No. Locations
1 Johnston Road
2 Spring Garden Lane (between Queen's Road East and Johnston Road)
3 Wan Chai MTR Station Exits
4 O'Brien Road footbridge (Linking between Wan Chai MTR Station and Immigration Tower)
5 Expo Drive East outside Golden Bauhinia Square
6 Stubbs Road outside Stubbs Road Look-Out area
7 Russell Street (between Lee Garden Road and Canal Road East )
8 Percival Street (between Hennessy Road and Leighton Road)
9 Hennessy Road (between Percival Street and East Point Road)
10 Yee Wo Street
11 Causeway Bay MTR Station Exit F at Jardine's Crescent
12 Causeway Bay Area [public place outside Sogo, Lockhart Road (between Percival Street and East Point Road), East Point Road, Great George Street, Paterson Street (between Great George Street and Yee Wo Street)

Note : Areas usually with conglomeration of illegal hawkers according to observation.

Last revision date: 10 May 2017