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Pleasant Environment

Store and display chilled meat/poultry safely between 0-4ºC

Chilled meat/poultry

  • Chilled meat/poultry is meat/poultry which has been preserved by chilling at a temperature between 0 and 4ºC from the point of slaughter, storage and transportation, to the point of sale.
  • Retail outlets that sell chilled meat/poultry should display notices indicating that chilled meat/poultry is allowed for sale on the premises, and have installed refrigerators in good working condition with sufficient capacity for storage and display of chilled meat/poultry between 0 and 4ºC at all times.
  • Storing chilled meat/poultry at improper temperature will promote the growth of bacteria, affecting the quality and consumption safety of chilled meat/poultry.

Retail outlets that sell chilled meat/poultry should install refrigerators in good working condition with sufficient capacity for storage and display of chilled meat/poultry between 0 and 4ºC at all times

Advice to the Public

  • When buying chilled meat/poultry, consumers should patronise retail outlets that have displayed notices indicating that chilled meat/poultry is allowed for sale on the premises, and select chilled meat/poultry properly stored and displayed in refrigerators at temperature between 0 and 4ºC.
  • Unless the meat/poultry is immediately processed, it should be stored inside refrigerator at temperature between 0 and 4ºC.
  • If irregularities are detected, please inform the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department on 2868 0000 or 1823 for follow-up action against concerned retail outlets.

When buying chilled meat/poultry, consumers should patronise retail outlets that have displayed notices indicating that chilled meat/poultry is allowed for sale on the premises, and select chilled meat/poultry properly stored and displayed in refrigerators at temperature between 0 and 4ºC

Last revision date: 12 Dec 2017