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Open Application

Allocation of Market Stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market

FEHD Sunlight Market, managed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), located at Fu Tung Street near Tung Chung MTR Station, provided a total of 36 market stalls, was completed for commissioning in March 2024. FEHD Sunlight Market currently provides 6 market stalls to be allocated by computer balloting. It will be open for application starting from 30 April 2024. Details are as follows:

Application Period

From 9:00 a.m. on 30 April 2024 (Tuesday) to 6:00 p.m. on 14 May 2024 (Tuesday)

Trades of Market Stalls

  1. There is a total of 6 stalls, including 2 fruits stalls, 1 vegetables stall, 1 other food related wet goods stall, 1 frozen/ chilled meat (excluding chilled poultry) stall and 1 seawater fish stall.
  2. Please see details of the market stalls at Annex I, Annex II, Annex II(a) and Annex III.

Eligibility of Applicants

Without prejudice to paragraph (2) below, persons meeting the following criteria are eligible to submit application:
Any person aged 18 or above (as at the deadline for application) and ordinarily resident in Hong Kong [please refer to section 2 of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115) for the definition of “ordinarily resident in Hong Kong"].
Neither the applicant nor his/her "immediate family member" is a director or staff of the management services contractor1 of FEHD Sunlight Market or of its "related person" or of its subcontractor.
No applicant is currently the sitting licensee, employee or agent of any other stall in the FEHD Sunlight Market.
  1. Save for the circumstances specified in item (b) below, former tenants/ licensees of public markets under FEHD whose tenancy/ licence agreement has been terminated due to breach of tenancy/ licence agreement condition or the relevant legislation shall not apply for any market stall for one year from the date of termination of tenancy/ licence agreement.

  2. Former tenants/ licensees of public markets under FEHD whose tenancy/ licence agreement has been terminated due to non-payment of rent/ licence fee shall not apply for any market stall until the rentals/ licence fees in arrears plus interest thereon are settled.

  3. Existing tenants/ licensees of public markets under FEHD who are repaying tenancy rentals/ licence fees in arrears by instalments shall not apply for any market stall until the rentals/ licence fees in arrears are settled.

  4. Former tenants/ licensees who, within one year before the closing date of the application, leased the same stall in a public market under FEHD for two times or more and each tenancy for a period of 3 months or less (other than the short-term tenancy offered by the Government), shall not apply for any market stall.

  5. Any person who was successful in bidding a stall in any public market under FEHD at auction but failed to pay the requisite deposit as required under the terms of the auction, shall not apply for any market stall until the outstanding sum plus interest thereon are settled.

  6. Any person who, within one year before the closing date of the application, was successful in bidding a stall in any public market under FEHD at auction but failed to sign a tenancy agreement in respect of the stall successfully bided for two times or more (whether the tenancy relates to the same stall), shall not apply for any market stall.

FEHD will not accept applications submitted by applicants who are not an eligible person as mentioned in paragraph (1) above, or who are persons prohibited from applying for any market stall as mentioned in paragraph (2) above.

Note 1: The current contractor is Yee Tai Cleaning Company Limited.

Obtaining Application Forms

Applicants may download the application form from FEHD website ( or apply online, or obtain the form in person during the application period at the District Environmental Hygiene Offices during office hours.

Notes for Filling in and Submission of the Application Form

  1. Applications must reach FEHD no later than 6:00 p.m. on 14 May 2024 (Tuesday) by the following means.
  2. Applications not in this prescribed form, applications not delivered by the deadline, or incorrect information provided in the applications will not be considered.  Further, FEHD may not be able to process the application if the applicant has not provided sufficient information.
  3. Each applicant shall submit only one application.  Duplicate application will not be considered.
  4. The provision of personal data in connection with this application is voluntary.  However, if the applicant does not provide sufficient information, FEHD may not be able to process the application.
  5. FEHD will not accept underpaid application by post, which will be returned to the sender (with return address) or disposed of (without return address) by the Hongkong Post.  For proper delivery of your application by post to FEHD, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay or unsuccessful delivery, please ensure your application by post bears sufficient postage with return address before posting. [Please note details about postage as updated on the website of the Hongkong Post:]

Submission of Application Forms

  1. Application by on-line application form
  2. Submission of application by email (please submit application in pdf format)
    Email Address:
  3. Submission of application by fax
    Fax No.: 2545 2964
  4. Submission of application by post
    Address: 6/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong
    Tel. No.: 2852 3606
  5. Submission of application in person
    Address: 6/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong
    Tel. No.: 2852 3606
    Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Download Form

Other Points to Note

  1. No fee is payable for obtaining or submitting the application.

  2. Applicants shall not offer any advantage to FEHD officers when having dealings of any kind with FEHD.

  3. A successful applicant will be invited to sign a Licence Agreement with FEHD with a term of 20 months (except otherwise specified) upon payment of 1 month’s Licence fee and 1 month’s Rates (when applicable) as well as a deposit equivalent to 2 months’ Licence fee and 2 months’ Rates (when applicable).  A successful applicant will be required to sign an undertaking to undertake not to assign, mortgage, charge, demise, sublet or part with the possession of the market stall selected at FEHD Sunlight Market or any part thereof or otherwise transfer any of his/her rights or obligations or interests or benefits under the Licence Agreement or enter into any agreement to do so.

  4. The successful applicant shall apply and arrange for the supply of electricity and water respectively with CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and the Water Supplies Department direct.

  5. If the trade business of the stall falls within the food business specified under the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X), the successful applicant shall obtain the relevant food licences from FEHD at his/her own cost.  For details, please visit FEHD's website at

  6. In relation to stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market which do not have any licence agreement in force, FEHD reserves the right to specify from time to time such number of stalls to be designated for selling the prescribed commodities or to vary the specific purpose or use of an individual stall.

  7. Licensees shall surrender to the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene any hawker licences held by them upon the commencement of the Licence Agreement.  If for any reasons the Licence Agreement is subsequently terminated, the surrendered hawker licence will not be returned.

Processing of Application

  1. In general, FEHD will issue an acknowledgement of application to the applicant within 3 days upon receipt of application.  The acknowledgement will be issued through SMS (for applicant who has provided a local mobile phone number) or by post (for application without any local mobile phone number).  Applicants who do not receive any response within 5 days of submission of application may call 2852 3606 for enquiry.
  2. The order of priority of eligible applicants (“priority number”) in market stall selection is generated in a fair and impartial manner by way of open computer balloting. The date of ballot is scheduled for 28 May 2024 (Tuesday).
  3. FEHD has put up 6 stalls for operation. Each eligible applicant will be assigned an application number to participate in the computer balloting. The balloting method is as follows:

    1. FEHD will categorise the applicants based on the trade they selected.  Computer balloting will be conducted for each trade respectively.  The priority number of the applicants for each trade will be generated by computer random sequencing.

  4. If eligible applicants outnumber the available stalls, standby applicants will be put on a waiting list according to their priority numbers.  If short-listed applicants fail to select a stall, standby applicants belonging to the same trade may select a stall according to their priority numbers.  The waiting list will be valid for 12 months from the date of balloting.
  5. Upon completion of ballot, FEHD will notify eligible applicants in writing of their priority numbers.  The result will be uploaded to FEHD's website ( the next day for checking by applicants.  FEHD will also invite successful applicants by batches in writing for market stall selection and signing of the Licence Agreement in accordance with the sequence of their priority numbers.


Tel. No.: 2852 3606

Online Balloting Archive Video

Balloting Results

Last revision date: 28 May 2024