Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Organisation Chart Calendar of Events in 2003 ( Photo Version )

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, established on January 1, 2000, serves the 6.8 million people of Hong Kong with a wide range of services from food surveillance and certification to the planning, co-ordination and delivery of environmental hygiene services and public education on safe food and environmental cleanliness.

With an establishment of some 12,000 staff members, the Department delivers the services through three branches - Food and Public Health, Environmental Hygiene, and Administration and Development.

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Organisation Chart

Organisation Chart

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Date Event
1 January

The Department implements the alignment policy for itinerant hawker licences(IHL). The following options have been offered to all IHL holders in exchange for the surrender of their licences :

  • a one-off ex-gratia payment of $30,000; or
  • selection of a vacant fixed pitch/vacant market stall; or
  • selection of a cooked food stall in a public market
    [applicable to IHL(Mobile Van) holders only]
    This offer is valid for five years from 1.1.2003 to 31.12.2007.
2 January The Anti-rodent Campaign is launched to arouse public awareness and encourage community participation in improving environmental hygiene and rodent control, and safeguarding public health. The promotion phase of the campaign ends on 29 January.

6-7 January Half yearly meeting on food safety with General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine) (AQSIQ), China Inspection and Quarantine Bureaux ( CIQs) in Guangdong.

8 January A series of workshops and seminars is arranged from January to March for buffet providers to promote the adoption of a food safety plan.

13 January FEHD delegation visits Harbin Veterinary Institute to discuss the avian flu vaccination programme on imported poultry.

26 January The Department stages the Lunar New Year Fair in 12 districts for seven days.

28 January The Department stages the Che Kung Festival Fair in Sha Tin District for 20 days.

31 January Implementation of the second phase of the Public Health (Animals and Birds)(Chemical Residues) Regulation to cover nine more chemicals for which the maximum residual limits for meat, offal and milk are prescribed.

10 February The Department adopts the new risk-based inspection system.

12 February The Department arranges a one-day familiarisation visit for 12 Health Inspectorate Officers to two chilled chicken processing plants in Shenzhen.

14 February The Public Health and Municipal Services (Amendment) Ordinance 2002 comes into force. The ordinance enables the Department to tackle unlicensed and unhygienic food premises more effectively.

24 February The Anti-mosquito Campaign is launched to stimulate public awareness and encourage community participation in implementing mosquito control and prevention measures as well as enhancing co-operation between concerned government departments. The first phase of the campaign ends on 5 April.

1 March The Department launches a series of customer service training seminars for market operators in 10 selected markets between March and May.

19 March The Department organises a seminar for some 400 officers on Service Enhancement in Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene.

20 March The executive summary report on the Regulatory Impact Assessment on Labelling of GM food is uploaded onto the Department's website.

31 March Commissioning of the four new cremators at Kwai Chung Crematorium.

15 April The Department and the Consumer Council announce the results of a collaborative study on caffeine in pre-packaged beverages.

16-29 April The Department, together with the departments of Health and Home Affairs, jointly launch 24 talks on cleansing and disinfection on common parts of buildings and households for members of the Area Committees, Owners Incorporations and local residents in various districts.

22 April The second issue of the Genetically Modified (GM) Food Newsletter is published for distribution to the public.

23 April The Government announces a package of relief measures to help the community tide over the difficulties due to the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong and revive the economy after the disease is brought under control. The Department creates about 3,000 temporary jobs for six months to reinforce cleansing and related services.

23 April The Department announces relief measures (rental waiver) to help market tenants overcome difficulties due to the SARS outbreak.

April - May The Department is responsible for the provision of environmental hygiene services and is actively and directly involved in combating SARS. In addition to the provision of enhanced cleansing and pest control services, the Department disinfected over 750 infected units during the outbreak.

5 May A special Team Clean task force is set up under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Donald Tsang, to establish and promote a sustainable, cross-sectoral approach to improve environmental hygiene in Hong Kong. The Department has been involved in implementing various environmental hygiene improvement initiatives proposed by Team Clean, e.g. adopting the 'zero tolerance' approach and taking stringent enforcement action against spitting and littering offences.

26 May The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign is launched to highlight the importance of the active elimination of breeding places during the rainy season. The second phase ends on 5 July.

1 June The Department adopts a new policy under which any fresh provision shop/market stall found selling or displaying for sale chilled or frozen meat/poultry as fresh meat/poultry will have its licence cancelled/tenancy terminated immediately without warning.

1 June The Department implements SARS relief measures including waiving hawker licence fees, amongst others, for 12 months from 1.6.2003 to 31.5.2004

18 June A Food Safety Seminar for the trade is organised at the Hong Kong Central Library to provide an opportunity for interactive exchange of views and information on food related issues with the trade.

23 June The Food Hygiene Campaign kicks off under the theme 'Prevent Food Poisoning, Let's Enhance Food Safety'.

24 June The results of a study on acrylamide in food are reported to the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene.

26 June The fixed penalty for littering is increased from $600 to $1,500.

7 July The enhancement phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign is launched with the aim of further promoting the adoption of rodent prevention and control measures in residential quarters as well as strengthening anti-rodent work in residential areas with persistent rodent problems. This phase ends on 2 August.

8 July To improve environmental hygiene in Hong Kong, the Department shortens the abatement period for dripping air-conditioners from seven days to three days when a nuisance notice has been issued.

9 July Half yearly food safety meeting with AQSIQ, CIQs in Hong Kong.

14 July A delegation from Guangdong's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention led by Deputy Director Luo Xiongcai, visits the Food Research Laboratory.

9 August Team Clean releases its final report on long-term measures to improve environmental hygiene in Hong Kong. The Department is responsible for taking forward a number of improvement measures recommended in the report, e.g. launching market cleansing days, and drawing up legislative proposals to introduce heavier penalties for repeated public cleanliness offenders.

15 August The Department and the Consumer Council announce the results of a collaborative study on patulin in apple juice.

25 August The third phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign is launched to maintain public awareness of the risk of dengue fever and to sustain the community effort in controlling the dengue fever vector. The third phase ends on 4 October.

25 August The Department publishes the Food Hygiene Code with Chinese and English versions to all food business licensees. The code can help food business operators achieve higher food hygiene and safety standards through a better understanding of what is essential for food business operations.

1 September Launch of roving exhibitions on GM food in primary schools.

1 September The Department launches a series of customer service training seminars for market operators in nine selected markets between September and October.

3 September The Director-General of Guangdong's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr Tang Feng, leads a delegation to visit the Food Research Laboratory.

16 - 25 September Regional seminars are organised by the Department with the Home Affairs and Buildings Departments to consult the public on measures to improve environmental hygiene as proposed in the Team Clean report.

19 September The report on the study of mosquito breeding in high-rise residential buildings is released. It reinforces the importance of implementing measures in the home to prevent mosquito breeding.

23 September The Man Kam To Food Laboratory is granted accreditation by the Hong Kong Accreditation Services to test vegetables for pesticide residues and milk for veterinary drug residues.

30 September The Clean Hong Kong School Education Programme Prize Presentation Ceremony is jointly held by the Department, the Education and Manpower Bureau and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. Twenty-three prizes for various education projects are awarded to schools that have made outstanding efforts to promote a clean environment.

1 October A paper on controlling the illegal use of beta-agonist in pigs in Hong Kong is presented at the International Symposium on Safe Pork in Greece.

2 October The Department begins taking stringent enforcement action against those who dirty public areas while feeding feral birds.

6 October A local dengue fever case is reported resulting in intensified vector control work at the victim's home, and in places where the victim has visited to prevent the spread of the disease. The efforts are successful and only one local case of dengue fever is reported in 2003.

10 October A local Japanese encephalitis case is reported. Mosquito control work is intensified in a two-kilometre area around the patient's residence, and around pig farms and in other areas where migratory birds gather. The concerted efforts of all parties curb the spread of the disease.

13 October
2003 to January
To sustain the momentum of the Anti-mosquito Campaign and to reduce the risk of a recurrence of dengue fever, the Department launches a series of territory-wide thematic operations focusing on enhanced mosquito control works at village houses, passenger and cargo/container terminals and old tenement buildings.

16 October A Veterinary Public Health Workshop is held on controlling outbreaks of serious zoonotic diseases and the role of veterinary drugs in food safety. Scientists and government officials from Singapore, France, Australia and Canada are invited as speakers.

1 November

The Department implements the monthly cleansing day in all public markets.

14 November The results are released of a study on artificial sweeteners in beverages.

15 November Phased implementation begins of vaccination of imported poultry against avian influenza H5.

15 November The Department adopts a new enforcement system to deal with breaches of licensing requirements/conditions by operators of licensed food premises.

23 November A radio programme comprising 12 episodes of a series on food safety issues commences broadcasting on RTHK.

25 November The Department, assisting the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, launches a public consultation exercise on the proposed Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information.

28 November The third issue of the GM Food Newsletter is published for distribution to the public.

11 December The first public forum on the proposed Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information is held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

12 December The Department announces that the rental freeze for all public markets will be extended to the end of 2004.

15 December The Anti-rodent Campaign 2004 is launched, with the Department urging managers of cargo handling areas, warehouses and factories to take special precautionary measures against rodents. The campaign ends on 10 January 2004.

18 December The Department implements the new Hawker Control Team squad structures, and the revised modus operandi of hawker control operations.

31 December Implementation of the final phase of the Public Health (Animals and Birds)(Chemical Residues) Regulation, which further regulates the feeding of the remaining 18 veterinary chemicals to food animals.

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