The Liquor Licensing Board is constituted for the purpose of issuing liquor licences in accordance with the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap. 109 sub. leg.).
Mr. LAM Kwok-cheong, Alfred, JP
Mr. CHAN Kar-lok, Walter, B.B.S., JP (until 6 April , 2004)
Mr. WONG King-cheung, JP (7 April -14 December 2004)
Ms AU Yuk-har, Grace
Mr. CHAN Chit-kwai, Stephen, JP
Mr. CHEUNG Fo-tai, MH
The Hon CHEUNG Yu-yan, Tommy, JP
Mr. CHU King-yuen, MH
Mr. KWOK Chun-wah, Jimmy, MH
Ms. MAR Yuet-har, MH (from 7 April, 2004)
Mr. LEE Chee-wah, Wilfred, MH
The Hon WONG Kwok-hing, MH
Chief Executive Officer (Boards and Committees)