Date Event

12 and 13 Dec

A speaker addressing the Veterinary Public Health Workshop

A speaker addressing the Veterinary Public Health Workshop.

13 Dec

CFS releases the first Hong Kong Total Diet Study report

CFS releases the first Hong Kong Total Diet Study report.

13 Dec to 31 Mar 2012

CFS releases the first Hong Kong Total Diet Study report

After a No. 4 alarm fire at Fa Yuen Street, hawker control teams step up management and enforcement actions at the hawker area.

28 Dec to 24 Feb 2012

CFS releases the first Hong Kong Total Diet Study report

A pest control staff places rat bait to prevent rodent infestation.

29 and 30 Dec

The Centre for Food Safety promotes nutrition labelling and Food Safety Ordinance at the 46th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo

The Centre for Food Safety promotes nutrition labelling and Food Safety Ordinance at the 46th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo.

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