The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) performs a wide range of duties, from food surveillance and control to the planning and delivery of environmental hygiene services. It also carries out public education to deliver food safety and environmental cleanliness messages.

With an establishment of some 11,500, the Department delivers its services through the Centre for Food Safety, the Environmental Hygiene Branch, the Administration and Development Branch and the Private Columbaria Affairs Office.

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FEHD Organisation Chart

FEHD Organization Chart

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Date Event
1 January

Lai Chi Yuen Columbarium
Lai Chi Yuen Columbarium is commissioned.

4 January to 12 March

The first phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2021
The first phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2021 is launched, targeting markets, municipal services buildings, hawker bazaars, typhoon shelters, rear lanes adjacent to food premises and other problematic spots.

4 to 17 January Enhanced Clean-up Operation 2021

Enhanced Clean-up Operation 2021 is conducted against the street cleanliness complaint hotspots in all districts to enhance street cleanliness, combat illegal acts of shop front extension, and strengthen rodent prevention and control work.

18 January to 7 February Territory-wide Year-end Clean-up Campaign 2021
Territory-wide Year-end Clean-up Campaign 2021 is conducted to step up the cleaning of FEHD venues and facilities, including public markets, cooked food centres, hawker bazaars, public toilets and refuse collection points.
6 to 11 February The Department sets up points of sale of New Year flowers at 15 sites originally designated for the Lunar New Year fairs.
9 to 26 February The Department sets up a point of sale at Chui Tin Street Soccer Pitch in Sha Tin, the site originally designated for the 2021 Che Kung Festival Fair.
17 February

Consumer Council
The Centre for Food Safety releases the results of a study on Sodium, Sugar, Fat and Energy Contents in Local Vegetarian Dishes conducted jointly with the Consumer Council.

22 February to 19 March

The first phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2021
The first phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2021 is launched to arouse public awareness and encourage community participation in mosquito prevention and control.

12 April to 26 November All-out Anti-mosquito Operations begin, with a view to eradicating adult mosquitoes and eliminating mosquito breeding places, thereby reducing the risk of dengue fever spreading in the community.
19 April to 18 June The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2021
The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2021 is launched, focusing on the efforts to eliminate mosquito breeding places during the rainy season.
29 to 30 April Taking part in the HKTDC Lifestyle ShoppingFest 2021, the Centre for Food Safety organises talks on “Nutrition Label 1+7: an Easier Way to a Healthier Diet” and conducts quizzes on nutrition labels, encouraging the public to make healthy dietary choices.
3 May to 25 June The first round of Anti-roden 2021
The first round of Anti-rodent Operations in designated target areas is launched in various districts to step up rodent prevention and control at the district level and remind the public of the importance of rodent prevention and control.
11 May to 10 June Wo Hop Shek Columbarium Phase VI in Fanling
The Department invites applications from members of the public for some 22,000 new extendable niches at Wo Hop Shek Columbarium Phase VI in Fanling.
31 May

Food Trader Portal
The Centre for Food Safety fully implements all import-related functions of the Food Trader Portal.  The online services have been expanded, enabling traders to apply for permission to import eggs and report the arrival of food consignments online.

7 June

Food safety tips  Know Your High-rick Foods
To echo the World Food Safety Day, the Centre for Food Safety kick-starts its year-round Food Safety Day campaign in early June 2021 under the theme "Know Your High-risk Foods”, reminding susceptible populations such as the elderly, infants and young children, pregnant women and people with weakened immunity of the risks of consuming high-risk foods.

21 June The Food and Health Bureau announces the selection of a suitable site in Tung Chung Town Centre, which is at Fu Tung Street near Tung Chung MTR Station, for establishment of a temporary market. The market is scheduled for opening in the fourth quarter of 2022.
5 July to 10 September The second phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2021
The second phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2021 is launched to sustain and consolidate the work carried out during the first phase.
7 July The Centre for Food Safety releases the results of a study on Microbiological Quality of Roast Meats when They are Kept at Ambient Temperature for a Prolonged Period of Time.
14 July The Harmful Substances in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2021, which strengthens the regulation of harmful substances such as mycotoxins in food and specifies partially hydrogenated oils (the main source of industrially produced trans fatty acids) as a prohibited substance in food, and the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) (Amendment) Regulation 2021, which stipulates the labelling requirement for any prepackaged food containing hydrogenated oils, are passed by the Legislative Council.
20 July

media briefing on summertime
The Centre for Food Safety hosts a media briefing to announce the results of its enhanced/targeted surveillance of ready-to-eat food and enforcement data, with a view to raising public awareness of the food safety risks of raw and undercooked foods, especially during summertime.

9 August to 29 October The third phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2021 is launched to arouse public awareness of the risk of dengue fever, Zika virus infection and Japanese encephalitis, and to sustain community efforts in controlling the vectors.
19 August “Garden of Forever Love” at Cape Collinson
“Garden of Forever Love” at Cape Collinson, which accommodates abortuses, is commissioned.
27 August

online seminar
The Centre for Food Safety holds an online seminar before the commencement of the new school year to raise food safety awareness among schools and parents. The topics include “Educating schoolchildren about high-risk foods and Five Keys to Food Safety”, “Low-salt and low-sugar diet” and “Prevention of food poisoning on campus”. Participants including school personnel and parents actively exchange views on food safety matters through this interactive seminar.

30 August

Drawing result of Wo Hop Shek Columbarium Phase VI
The open lot drawing and computer balloting for applications for new extendable niches at Wo Hop Shek Columbarium Phase VI in Fanling is conducted and the results are released.

1-2 September Representatives from the Centre for Food Safety and the Environmental Hygiene Branch of FEHD, representing Hong Kong, China, attend a video conference hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) on “Bi-regional Advocacy Meeting on Risk Mitigation in Traditional Food Markets in the Asia Pacific Region” to share Hong Kong’s experience on the issue and exchange views with WHO experts as well as participants from Asia.
10 September Vehicle access booking mechanism is introduced to Tsang Tsui Columbarium for better traffic control. The access of vehicles in and out of the Columbarium is controlled by automatic boom barriers connected to the “Online Vehicle Access Booking System” and “Integrated Automatic Vehicle Identification and Access Control System” which is an automatic smart system employing artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques.
15 September The Department holds an annual forum with service contractors to promote the understanding of, and compliance with, tender and contract requirements.
18 September

PT 2.0 Public Toilet Design Competition prize
PT 2.0 Public Toilet Design Competition prize presentation ceremony is held at CIC-Zero Carbon Park in Kowloon Bay. The competition is co-organized by FEHD and ArchSD, and aims at promoting proper use of public toilets and collecting innovative design ideas for the construction of public toilets.

September - December

Tips for autumn and winter Tips for festive celebration
The Centre for Food Safety enhances publicity efforts to remind the public of the food safety tips for seasonal and festive foods during autumn and winter.

28 October The Centre for Food Safety releases the results of a study on Ergot Alkaloids (EAs) in Food.
1 November

Aberdeen Market closes for carrying out overhaul works. This is the first project under the Market Modernisation Programme. The overhauled market is expected to reopen in early 2023.

1 November to 24 December The second round of Anti-rodent Operations in designated target areas is launched in various districts to strengthen rodent prevention and control at the district level and remind the public of the importance of rodent prevention and control.
19 November The Centre for Food Safety releases the results of a study on Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDD) in Food.
1 December Tsang Tsui Columbarium
The Department announces that applications for the new extendable public niches at Tsang Tsui Columbarium in Tuen Mun will be accepted all year round until further notice, and invites application from members of the public.
22 December The Centre for Food Safety convenes the Food Safety Seminar for the Trade 2021 to provide a forum for interactive exchange of information and views on current and important food safety issues in Hong Kong between the Government and the food trade.

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