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Food Hygiene Code

Food Hygiene Code

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has published a set of food hygiene and safety standards in the form of a "Food Hygiene Code" (the Code) to help operators of food business better understand the inspection standards on licensed food premises as well as the best practices in meeting the standards.

The Code is available in four versions:

  1. English full version (PDF format) | English full version (HTML format) ;
  2. English abridged version (PDF format) | English abridged version (HTML format) ;

The full versions set out in details the various food hygiene and safety standards applicable to food premises as enshrined in the legislation, licensing requirements as well as licensing conditions pertaining to food business operations, together with advice and guidance for compliance as well as the rationale behind. The abridged versions, to be used as quick reference guides, provide summaries of their full versions.

Any comments or suggestions from you to strengthen or improve the content of the Code are most welcomed. Please send them to us by letter, facsimile or email by addressing to -

Licensing Section
Headquarters Division
Environmental Hygiene Branch
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
45/F, Queensway Government Offices
66 Queensway
Hong Kong
Facsimile: 2530 1368
E-mail Address:

Last revision date: 29 Nov 2021