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Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Controlling Officer's Environmental Report 2018

Chapter 1


The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), set up on 1 January 2000, is responsible for a wide range of services, such as food safety control; import control on live food animals; management of food incidents; the provision of environmental hygiene services and facilities; combating avian flu, dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis; and the promotion of public education on food safety and environmental hygiene.  Our work affects everyone in the community and has an impact on the environment.  Our vision and mission are –


To work hand in hand with our community in building Hong Kong into a world-class metropolis renowned for its food safety and public hygiene.


To ensure that food sold in Hong Kong is safe and fit for consumption and to maintain a clean and hygienic living environment for the people of Hong Kong.

In performing our functions, we also place importance on the need to protect the environment by ensuring the efficient use of resources and delivering our services in an environmentally responsible manner as far as possible.  In this report, we give an account of our environmental performance in 2018 so that our staff and stakeholders could better understand our efforts.

Last revision date: 21 Nov 2019