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Notes on Burial and Exhumation Services

Notes on Burial and Exhumation Service (12)

Application for Transfer of Coffin from Cemetery for Cremation/Burial/Exportation

If the applicant wishes to have the remains of the deceased which has been buried in a public or private cemetery for less than 6 years exhumed, cremated, relocated to other cemetery or exported, he has to apply in person, together with staff of the undertaker (who shall bring along the business chop) (Not applicable to application for transfer of coffin for cremation), at the Cemeteries and Crematoria Office of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) in Hung Hom or Happy Valley, and to:

  1. submit a letter of applying for the transfer of coffin from cemetery and complete an application form;
  2. produce the originals and copies of the documents pertaining to the deceased, including the death certificate, documentary proof of relationship with the deceased, etc. In the absence of such proof, the applicant shall take an oath at the above office;
  3. pay the fee for the Exhumation Permit;

Transfer of coffin from cemetery for cremation

  1. upon receipt of the Exhumation Permit and FEHD's approval letter, applicant can apply in person, or together with staff of the licensed undertaker (who shall bring along the business's chop), pay the cremation fee and book a cremation session at the Cheung Sha Wan or Wu Chung Cremation Booking Office. For details, please refer to FEHD's webpage below;

  2. be invited to monitor the transfer of coffin from the cemetery with FEHD staff in about 14 working days after completing the procedures.

    (Note: For burial under 1 year, applicant should apply for Exhumation Permit and approval letter from the FEHD then approach the Port Health Division for Cremation Permit, at last back to FEHD for applying transfer of coffin from cemetery for cremation.)


  1. if the deceased is to be buried in a public cemetery, burial may be arranged after issue of the Exhumation Permit;
  2. if the deceased is to be buried in a private cemetery, documents permitting the burial issued by the relevant cemetery are required;

Exportation of dead bodies

  1. produce the originals and copies of the documents permitting the burial issued by the overseas cemetery where the body is to be buried as well as the documents for the import of dead bodies;
  2. complete the subsequent formalities at the Immigration Department after issuance of the Exhumation Permit;
Last revision date: 10 Nov 2022