- Application for Claiming Dead Body Buried by Government in Sandy Ridge Cemetery
- Application for Certificate of Burial
- Application for Interment of Exhumed Remains in Urn Grave of Public Cemeteries
- Application for Deposit of Cremated Ashes in Urn Grave of Public Cemeteries
- Applying for Permit to Remove/ Exhume Remains
- Application for Cremation of Exhumed Remains/ Allocation of Urn Grave/ Relocation to other Cemetery/ Return to Native Place/ Exportation (Applicable to Remains Buried in a Public Cemetery)
- Application for Cremation of Exhumed Remains/ Allocation of Urn Grave/ Relocation to other Cemetery/ Return to Native Place/ Exportation (Applicable to Remains Buried in a Private Cemetery)
- Application for Exhumation or Relocation of Remains at Places Other Than Cemeteries
- Application for Exhumation of Remains for Relocation to Burial Places for Indigenous New Territories Villagers
- Application for Allocation of New Urn Graves in the Public Cemeteries at Sandy Ridge / Wo Hop Shek/ Outlying Islands
- Application for Allocation of Vacant Urn Graves in the Public Cemeteries at Sandy Ridge / Wo Hop Shek/ Outlying Islands
- Application for Transfer of Coffin from Cemetery for cremation/ Burial/ Exportation
NoticesIntroduction and VenuesCremation ServiceDisposal of Cremated AshesBurial ServiceImport and Export of Human RemainsAbortus ServicesOther ServicesService ChargesOnline Services/PaymentPublic FormsLicensed Funeral Parlours & Undertakers of BurialsRegistered Masons & Marble Manufacturers/ContractorsPublicityLinks