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General Guideline and Reference Materials

Latest Directions and Recommendations for Catering Business Pursuant to the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions)(Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F)

28 October 2020

To: Licensees/Persons-in-charge of food premises

Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions)
(Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F)
Latest directions and recommendations for catering business

Under the spirit of fighting the epidemic together, it is of utmost importance that catering business licensees and operators make every effort to comply with the requirements and restrictions applicable to food premises and fully implementing the various recommendations targeting at critical control points as recommended by public health experts.

Statutory Requirements

In the light of the recent development of COVID-19 and pursuant to the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F), the Secretary for Food and Health issued the latest directions through notices published in the Gazette on 27 October 2020.  The directions will take effect at 0.00am on 30 October 2020 and last till 5 November 2020.  Please refer to Annex 1 for details.

Licensing Conditions

It is of utmost importance that licensees and operators of food premises should always observe and comply with the relevant licensing requirements and conditions, especially proper maintenance and cleanliness of toilets, ventilation systems and other facilities and equipment.

Recommendations Targeting at Critical Control Points

The Government, the public health experts and the catering sector have been communicating with each other on ventilation of food premises, support to the Centre for Health Protection on its work of tracing close contact, and reduction of risks of infection in food premises, so as to facilitate the review and adjustment of future social distancing measures.  It is recommended that food premises should take the following measures:

  1. Arrange for hygiene supervisors/hygiene managers to receive training on anti-epidemic measures for food premises released by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) on 9 October 2020.  For details, please visit the following website of the FEHD:;
  2. Participate in the voluntary declaration scheme on air changes in catering premises announced by the FEHD on 16 October 2020 and make transparent to the public information on air changes in the seating areas of licensed premises or, if applicable, equipment with Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) or UV-C combined High-efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) air purification technology installed in the premises.  For details, please visit the following website of the FEHD:;
  3. According to Annex 1, a person (including a customer) within a bar / pub must wear a mask at any time except when the person is consuming food or drink at a table therein[Note].  In other words, customers must comply with wearing masks at all times when they are not at the table.  Otherwise, enforcement officers may take enforcement actions against them under Cap. 599F and Cap. 599I.  Please put up posters about Cap. 599I (Annex 2) at the premises;

    The Government has received enquiries on mask-on drinking with a straw at a bar/pub.  We have obtained the professional advice of Professor Yuen Kwok Yung of the University of Hong Kong and the Centre for Health Protection, and please look at the PowerPoint of the University of Hong Kong (Annex 3); and make reference to the attached checklist for operators and customers (Annex 4).

  4. Encourage customers entering the food premises to fill in electronic health declaration forms which are self-developed by the trade / use the mobile app on exposure risk notification to be launched by the Government; and
  5. Use contactless payment methods to reduce the risk of virus transmission by contacting cash.

Free COVID-19 Testing Services

The Government strongly recommends that catering premises (including bars/pubs) proactively arrange for their frontline staff to participate in the voluntary free COVID-19 testing services for targeted groups.  The deadline for online registration has been extended to 30 November 2020.  Restaurant operators could register through the FEHD website for the voluntary testing services.  High-exposure groups who had already registered and undergone voluntary testing can register again.  For details, please visit following website of the FEHD:

Other Matters

With Halloween just around the corner, the Government strongly recommends that catering premises (including bars/pubs) and their customers exercise self-discipline and comply with various social distancing measures.  A solid foundation will facilitate sustained operation in face of the epidemic situation.  The performance of the trade will be one of the factors for reference, in the formulation of future anti-epidemic measures in face of the epidemics.


The Government will keep the social distancing measures and guidelines under review in the light of the epidemic situation and the relevant circumstances on the ground.  As an important part of the community's efforts in fighting the epidemic, the FEHD appeals to food business operators and food handlers to implement the above measures and guidelines in a concerted and persistent manner.  The FEHD would take stringent enforcement actions against offenders in defiance of legislation on prevention and control of diseases as well as environmental hygiene and food safety issues.

Note: This requirement is also applicable to night establishments / night clubs under scheduled premises.

Last revision date: 30 Oct 2020