Wednesday 26 March 2025
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Restaurant Licensing Resource Centre and Licence Issuing Offices

Restaurant Licensing Resource Centre

A Resource Centre which provides user-friendly assistance and general information on restaurant licensing has come into operation. Information materials in the form of photographs, booklets and leaflets provided by the Buildings Department, Fire Services Department, Environmental Protection Department and this Department are on display in the Centre to enhancing applicants' understanding of the licensing procedures and the roles and responsibilities of the key parties.

The Resource Centre is situated in the Kowloon Licensing Office of this Department at 4/F, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building, 333 Kilung Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. Health Inspector will be on duty in the Centre to answer questions from prospective applicants.

The opening hours are:

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm to 5:45 pm

Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday: Closed

Telephone enquiries : 2958 0694

Licence Issuing Offices

Licence Issuing Offices have been set up at the three Licensing Offices (Hong Kong & Islands, Kowloon and the New Territories) to:

  1. handle the collection of fees and the issue of newly issued / renewal / amendment / duplicate of licences / permits; and
  2. issue provisional food business licences / karaoke establishment permits.

To improve customer service, the applicants / licensees / permittees may obtain the licence / permit at any of the three Licence Issuing Offices after submitting the required documents and paying the licence / permit fees.

Notes for Provisional Licence Applicants

Applicants (or their authorized persons) for provisional licences may approach in person over counter at any of the three Licence Issuing Offices to complete the procedures for provisional licences issued within one working day. Details are as follows:

  • Upon compliance with all the licensing requirements, please submit to the Licence Issuing Office the completed "Report of Compliance" form together with appropriate Certificate(s) of Compliance completed by professionals, certificate made by recognized professionals that the food business premises are free of unauthorized building works (attached with two copies of the latest licence plans) and certificate(s) for hygiene manager/hygiene supervisor with authorization letter as required. After confirming that the premises have met the basic safety requirements and the requisite licence fee (cheques should be made payable to the Government of the HKSAR) has been paid, a provisional licence for 6 months will be issued to the applicant immediately.
  • If the submission of Certificate of Compliance D (Ventilation Requirements) is a requirement to be complied with before a Provisional Licence can be issued, the applicant is required to submit three copies of ventilating system layout plans, drawn to scale, showing the final layout of the ventilating system installed in the premises together with the aforesaid Certificate.
  • For applicants who cannot come in person, they may authorize in writing another person to complete the procedures. If the licence application is made in the name of a person, the authorization and the "Report of Compliance for the Grant of Provisional Licence" should be signed by the applicant. If the licence application is made in the name of a corporation, the authorization and the "Report of Compliance for the Grant of Provisional Licence" should be signed by the authorized person of the corporation and bear the company chop.
  • The identity card number of the authorized person / hygiene manager / hygiene supervisor should be shown on the authorization.
  • If the applicant has made all the requisite certificates available, he can bring along the completed "Report of Compliance" form together with appropriate Certificate(s) of Compliance, certificate(s) for hygiene manager / hygiene supervisor with relevant authorization letter and any other documents as required in the Letter of Requirements to any one of the three Licence Issuing Offices during office hours and pay the prescribed licence fee to obtain the provisional licence. The applicant may make prior appointment with any one of the three Licence Issuing Offices if he so wish.
  • In case the aforesaid certificates and documents in relation to an application for a provisional licence are submitted through the Drop-in-Box at the Licensing Offices, they will be handled on the following working day. If the certificates and documents are found acceptable, the provisional licence will be issued within one working day.
  • In case the aforesaid certificates and documents in relation to the application for a provisional licence are sent by post, the provisional licence will be issued within seven working days of receipt of acceptable certificates and documents from the applicant.
  • Addresses of the Licence Issuing Offices:

    Hong Kong & Islands Licence Issuing Office
    8/F, Lockhart Road Municipal Services Building, 225 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
    Tel. no.: 2879 5380

    Kowloon Licence Issuing Office
    4/F, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building, 333 Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
    Tel. no.: 2729 1964

    New Territories Licence Issuing Office
    4/F, Tai Po Complex, 8 Heung Sze Wui Street, Tai Po, New Territories
    Tel. no.: 3183 9206
  • Payment hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    (Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays closed)
Last revision date: 11 Oct 2023