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Date Event
10 December

The Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulation 2004 is enacted to allow the labelling of more ingredients in cream in line with international practice.

10 December

The Government's rental freeze for all public markets is extended to the end of September 2005.

15 December

The FEHD and the Consumer Council announce the results of a collaborative survey on sweeteners in confectionery products.

15 December
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A self-regulatory code of practice is issued to food premises selling live marine seafood in an effort to prevent and control ciguatera fish poisoning. The situation will be reviewed in six months.

16-17 December

Common fish diseases, a food safety control system and food safety related to the food of animal origin are the subjects of a Veterinary Public Health Workshop. Scientists and government officials from the Mainland, France, the Netherlands and the US are invited as speakers.

20 December to 15 January 2005
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The Department launches the Anti-rodent Campaign 2005 urging managers of shopping centres to take special precautionary measures against rodents.

20-21 December

Hong Kong is invited to share its experience in the control of avian flu during the first meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (ASEAN HPAI) Task Force in Singapore.

31 December

The second issue of the Market Newsletter is published for distribution to market tenants and the public.

31 December

A joint office with the Buildings Department is set up on a trial basis in Sham Shui Po to deal with water seepage complaints. The pilot scheme, recommended by Team Clean, will be reviewed after six months.

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