Date Event
11 April to 14 May Click to view photo contentClick to view photo contentFurther measures to enhance the Anti-mosquito Campaign are introduced with a Hong Kong-wide operation focusing on prevention and control at village houses and problem spots.
15 April The results of a collaborative study on salt in local markets are announced by the FEHD and the Consumer Council.
27 to 29 April Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, leads a delegation, which includes Assistant Director (Food Surveillance and Control), to Guangzhou to further strengthen ties with various government officials.
28 to 29 April Representatives of the FEHD and the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau meet in Zhuhai with Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaux from Guangdong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai on hygiene, animal inspection and quarantine, and food safety.

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