Date Event
7 June Click to view photo content
Subsequent to some faecal samples collected from three poultry stalls in Po On Road Market being tested positive of H5N1 avian influenza virus, more than 2000 live poultry in the market are culled.
11 June Click to view photo content
All live poultry in other retail outlets are also culled to prevent possible spread of H5N1 avian influenza virus.
27 June Click to view photo content
The CFS issues two guidance notes to assist the food trade and laboratory service providers to understand and comply with the Nutritional Labelling Scheme.
29 June Click to view photo content
Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, and other officiating guests kick off Food Safety Day 2008.

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Children have fun at the game booths set up for Food Safety Day.

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Members of the public crowd around the Food Safety Day venue to enjoy the show.

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