Organisation ChartCalendar of Events in 2016 ( Photo Version )

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) provides a wide range of services from food surveillance and control to the planning and delivery of environmental hygiene services and public education on food safety and environmental cleanliness messages.

With an establishment of some 11,000, the Department delivers its services through the Centre for Food Safety, the Environmental Hygiene Branch and the Administration and Development Branch.

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FEHD Organisation Chart

FEHD Organization Chart

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Date Event
4 January to 11 March The first phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2016 is launched, targeting markets, municipal services buildings, hawker bazaars, typhoon shelters, rear lanes adjacent to food premises and other problematic spots identified in the territory.
2 to 8 February A total of 15 Lunar New Year Fairs are held in 13 districts.
5 to 22 February The Department holds Lunar New Year Fairs at Che Kung Temple, Sha Tin and Lam Tsuen Fong Ma Po, Tai Po.
15 February to 18 March The first phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2016 is launched to arouse public awareness and encourage community participation in mosquito prevention and control.
22 February A new set of permits for regulation of operators selling "restricted foods" (such as meat, milk, sashimi, sushi and oysters to be eaten in raw state) online are available for application.
18 March and 1 April The Department arranges memorial sailings during the Ching Ming Festival for the public to pay tribute to their loved ones whose ashes were scattered at sea.
31 March The Department completes the allocation of 5,069 remaining new niches at Wo Hop Shek Kiu Tau Road Columbarium Phase V.
6 April The Department helps in the preservation of a hawker stall structure in Peel Street which is considered to be of historical significance by the History Museum Advisory Panel.
25 April to 1 July The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2016 is launched, focusing on the importance of eliminating mosquito breeding places during the rainy season.
26 April The reconstruction of hawker stalls at Pottinger Street under the Hawker Assistance Scheme is completed. The artwork design of the reconstructed stalls is unique amongst other hawker areas.
27 April The Department and the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (SZCIQ) sign a cooperation agreement in Shenzhen, under which frozen meat/poultry to be imported into Hong Kong from overseas can be stored temporarily in Qianhaiwan Bonded Port Area of Shenzhen before its importation to Hong Kong in batches.
5 June The Facebook page of Keep Clean Ambassador Ah Tak is set up.
13 June The Department starts putting some 800 newly designed litter containers with smaller openings in trial use.
13 June Regulations on nutrition labelling of follow-up formula and prepackaged food for infants and young children come into operation.
15 June The Centre for Food Safety releases results of a study on Sodium Content in Soups conducted jointly with the Consumer Council.
29 June A sharing session attended by Mainland medical entomologist, Professor Yu Yixin, is conducted to exchange views and experiences with departmental staff and local scholars on the prevention and control of biting midges.
30 June The Centre for Food Safety launches a series of publicity and education activities under the theme "Hong Kong's Action on Salt and Sugar Reduction - Healthy Cooking Starts Small" on Food Safety Day 2016 to raise public awareness of the importance of reducing dietary salt and sugar intake and to promote practical ways to reduce salt and sugar in food. Such initiatives include a Junior Chefs' Culinary Ideas of Salt and Sugar Reduction Competition. The final adjudication and award presentation ceremony of the competition are held concurrently with the Food Safety Day 2016 opening ceremony.
1 July The one-year concession period of the targeted short-term measures to reduce the industry's costs of operation and enhance Hong Kong's attractiveness and competitiveness as announced by the Financial Secretary in the 2016-17 Budget commences. The fees payable for the issue or renewal for restaurant licences, restricted food permits and hawker licences with the commencement date falling within the concession period will be waived for a maximum period of 12 months.
4 July to 9 September The second phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2016 is launched to sustain and consolidate the work carried out during the first phase and to enhance rodent control measures in targeted areas.
8 July A graduation ceremony is held for 277 newly recruited officers in the ranks of Health Inspector II, Assistant Hawker Control Officer and Foreman who have attended the Induction Training Programmes in 2015 and 2016.
8 to 10 July The Department joins the Hong Kong Retiree & Senior Fair 2016 to promote green burials, including scattering of ashes in Gardens of Remembrance and at sea, as well as the Internet Memorial Service to senior citizens and retirees.
29 July The reconstruction of hawker stalls at Reclamation Street under the Hawker Assistance Scheme is completed. The realignment of hawker pitches thereat has brought about the widening of the central passageway for emergency vehicles.
3 August The Department holds an annual forum with service contractors to promote understanding of and compliance with tender/contract requirements.
11 August The Centre for Food Safety holds health talks on "Food Safety cum Hong Kong's Action on Salt & Sugar Reduction - Healthy Cooking Starts Small" at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Food Expo 2016.
15 August to 21 October The third phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2016 is launched to highlight the risk of dengue fever, Zika virus infection and Japanese encephalitis, and to sustain community efforts in controlling the vectors.
24 September The Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness and Obstruction) Ordinance which seeks to introduce a fixed penalty system as an additional enforcement tool to tackle the problem of shop front extensions comes into effect. The Department and the Hong Kong Police Force are empowered to enforce the fixed penalty system.
30 September and 4 November The Department arranges memorial sailings during the Chung Yeung Festival for the public to pay tribute to their loved ones whose ashes were scattered at sea.
17 October The Centre for Food Safety releases results of a study on Sugar Content in Local Sweet Soups jointly conducted with the Consumer Council.
17 November The International Advisory Panel on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food holds its fourth meeting in Hong Kong to provide expert advice on initiatives on the reduction of salt and sugar in food in Hong Kong and share related experiences in other places.
18 November The Centre for Food Safety releases results of a follow-up study on Aluminium in Food.
23 November The Government reintroduces the Private Columbaria Bill into the Legislative Council, through which the Government proposes to establish a licensing scheme to regulate the operation of private columbaria.
1 December The Chief Secretary for Administration visits Jardine's Crescent Hawker Area and is briefed by representatives of the Department and the Fire Services Department on the reprovisioning works of 141 stalls which are completed in July. She also visits Tang Lung Chau Market to learn more about the utilization of public markets.
3 December The Department organises a green burial publicity and public education event at Kowloon Park Piazza. The event includes stage performances, game booths, exhibition panels, video corner, distribution of booklets and souvenirs. More than 3,000 members of the public participate in the event.
14 to 17 December The Centre for Food Safety and the Department set up an exhibition booth at the 51st Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo to promote food safety and keeping Hong Kong clean.

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