Date Event
4,9,22,28 October 2002 Four seminars are arranged for about 250 primary and secondary school teachers to tie in with the launching of the GM food teaching kits.
8 October 2002 Delegation led by DFEH inspects a cattle farm supplying Hong Kong in Hebei province.
11 October 2002 Report on the study on dietary exposure of secondary school students to dioxins and heavy metalsThe Department releases the report on the study on dietary exposure of secondary school students to dioxins and heavy metals in Hong Kong, and gives advice to the public on the measures to reduce such food safety risks.
12 October 2002 The Department's health inspectors and officers awarded respectively the Medal of Honour and commendations for outstanding performancesChief Health Inspector Wong Wai-wan is awarded the Medal of Honour and 11 other officers of the Department including three Health Inspectors and eight Hawker Control Officers are awarded the Chief Executive's Commendations for Government/Public Services at Government House in recognition of their exemplary performance in combating illegal slaughterhouses and unlicensed meat roasting food factories. In addition, a Senior Clerical Officer is also awarded the Chief Executive's Commendations for his distinguished performance in the Hawker Records Office.
21 October 2002 The Department launches a train-the-trainers programme on GM food for women organisations. The programme comprises 12 workshops running till January 2003.
21 October 2002 to 26 January 2003 A 14-week publicity programme targeting road users is launched through Commercial Radio to promote Clean Hong Kong.

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