Date Event
2 May 2002 To celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, the Department organises a 3-month roving exhibition to showcase the joint efforts of the Government and local community in the Clean Hong Kong campaign.
2 May 2002

The Food Research Laboratory starts providing testing and research support to risk assessment and food standard setting.

Research on food risk assessment conducting in the laboratoryTest on food conducting in the laboratory
6 May 2002 The Department launches a 2-year health education programme on public hygiene and food safety to reach out to all primary and secondary schools, elderly centres, new arrivals and members of the public through talks, visits, exhibitions, game booths and seminars.
15 May 2002

The Department begins an intensive two-week publicity campaign to launch the Fixed Penalty System for common public cleansing offences. It includes a wide range of new and creative publicity items. The Chairman of the Clean Hong Kong Steering Committee, Dr Daniel TSE, and the Secretary for Environment and Food, Mrs Lily YAM, officiate at a launching ceremony together with representatives of all the enforcement departments.

Press conference announcing details of the Fixed Penalty SystemThe launch ceremony to publicise the Fixed Penalty System
27 May 2002 The Fixed Penalty System comes into operation with a two-week grace period. The system provides for a fixed penalty of $600 for any person who commits the offence of littering, spitting, the unauthorised display of bills or posters, and allowing the fouling of streets by dogs in public places.
28 May 2002 Setting of devices to record ovitrap index at a designated locationThe second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2002 commences early in response to the high average monthly ovitrap index for April. The campaign aims to encourage community participation in controlling dengue fever vector, heighten public awareness of the potential risk of dengue fever and eliminate mosquito breeding places. The Campaign's second phase ends on July 6.

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