Date Event
3 June 2002 The Department's professionals explain the damages done by rodentsThe second phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2002 is launched to reinforce rodent prevention messages for the management of licensed food premises. The second phase ends on July 6.
6-9 June 2002 FEHD delegation invited by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation to give presentation on the control of veterinary drugs in food animals to all exporting traders in the Mainland.
10 June 2002 The Fixed Penalty System is first enforced after the two-week grace period, with 45 fixed penalty notices issued by the Department on the first day.
19 June 2002 The Department's operation in smashing a large scale illegal frozen meat distribution centre in Yuen LongA large scale illegal frozen meat distribution centre in Tong Tau Po Tsuen, Yuen Long is successfully smashed with the Department seizing the largest quantity of frozen meat for the year. The operator is convicted by the Court and about 13 tonnes of frozen meat are seized.
25 June 2002 Poster on the Food Hygiene Seminar The Food Hygiene Campaign kicks off under the theme 'Enhanced Food Safety, Let's Reduce Risks'.
27 June 2002 Press conference releasing results of a microbiological risk assessment on salads The Department releases results of a microbiological risk assessment on salads and gives advice on hygienic practices to the public.

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