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Annual Report 2007 Content

Chapter I - Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Established on 1 January 2000, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) provides a wide range of services from food surveillance and control to the planning and delivery of environmental hygiene services and public education on food safety and environmental cleanliness.

With an establishment of some 11,000, the Department delivers its services through the Centre for Food Safety, the Environmental Hygiene Branch and the Administration and Development Branch.

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FEHD Organisation Chart

FEHD Organization Chart

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Date Event
1 January Stanley Waterfront Mart is commissioned.
2 to 29 January The Anti-rodent Campaign 2007 is launched, targeting old tenement buildings built before 1970 which are not managed by building management companies and their surroundings. The key objectives are to arouse awareness of the residents on the importance of rodent prevention and control, and to reduce rodent population in and around the buildings.
3 January The first batch of Mainland eggs with health certificates issued by relevant Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau arrives in Hong Kong .
5 January The Centre for Food Safety announces the results of a study on dietary exposure to antimony of secondary school students and the assessment of the associated health risks.
9 January The Centre for Food Safety expands the Voluntary Enrolment Scheme for poultry egg importers to wholesalers.
12 and 13 January International Symposium on Food Safety is held to bring together distinguished experts and academics around the world to share experience, foster partnership and promote collaboration in food safety management and control. It attracts 646 participants.
23 January The first public consultation forum on the proposed amendment to the Preservatives in Food Regulations is held. The second forum is held on 7 February.

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Date Event
12 February Lunar New Year fairs in 12 districts are launched for seven days.
15 February Che Kung Festival Fair in Sha Tin District is launched for 18 days.
18 February Fong Ma Po Fair in Tai Po District is launched for 15 days.
26 February The Department implements a new scheme to encourage the food trade to improve hygiene standards. Under the scheme, ISO 22000-certified food premises are exempted from the normal Risk-Based Inspection System and the Demerit Points System.
26 February to 23 March The first phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2007 is launched to arouse public awareness, encourage community participation in implementing mosquito control and prevention measures as well as to enhance co-operation between the concerned government departments.
28 February The Centre for Food Safety releases the results of food surveillance programme for 2006.

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Date Event
13 March The Centre for Food Safety announces the results of a study on natural toxins in food plants.
29 March A series of Risk Perception Seminars are held from March to August to empower the public with the knowledge and skills to put food risks into perspective and to be able to comprehend food safety news reporting with objectivity and rationality.

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Date Event
10 April Results of the public consultation exercise on proposed amendment to the Preservatives in Food Regulations are presented to the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene.
27 April The Centre for Food Safety resumes processing applications for importing boneless beef from cattle under thirty months from Japan.
30 April to 6 July The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign commences, focusing on the importance of active elimination of breeding places during the rainy season.

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Date Event
10 May Communication Resource Unit obtains the Certificate for ISO 9001:2000 on design and provision of health education campaigns and programmes services.
14 and 15 May A delegation from the Food and Health Bureau (formerly known as Health, Welfare and Food Bureau), the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and FEHD attends the second working meeting on Exchanges and Co-operation in Food Safety for Hong Kong/Guangdong in Hong Kong.
15 May Results of a joint study on undeclared peanut and tree nut allergens in prepackaged foods are announced by the Centre for Food Safety and the Consumer Council.
28 May The revised Microbiological Guidelines for Ready-to-eat Food become effective. The Centre for Food Safety holds a public seminar on the guidelines.

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Date Event
5 June New cremators at the Diamond Hill Crematorium with modern air treatment facilities meeting Environmental Protection Department's latest Best Practicable Means for Incinerators (Crematoria) are commissioned.
7 June The Centre for Food Safety announces the results of a study on nutrients of fruits and vegetables commonly found in Hong Kong.
7 June A new e-function Food Nutrient Calculator is launched on the Centre for Food Safety webpage.
21 and 22 June Representatives of the Food and Health Bureau (formerly known as Health, Welfare and Food Bureau) and the Department meet in Hong Kong with representatives of the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaux from Guangdong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai as well as representatives from the Civic Municipal Affairs Bureau and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention of Macao to discuss health, animal and plant quarantine and food safety control issues.

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Date Event
9 July A series of food safety seminars for operators of licensed food premises in Sha Tin, North and Yau Tsim Districts are organised to prepare for the equestrian test events in 2007 and the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Events.
9 July to 4 August The enhancement phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign is launched to strengthen rodent control work in and around old tenement buildings with persistent rodent problems as well as to reinforce the prevention messages for residents.
10 July The streamlined procedure for application for scattering of cremated human ashes at three designated areas in Hong Kong waters is implemented.
10 July The Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling)(Amendment) Regulation 2004 comes into effect upon the expiry of 36 months' grace period. It sets out the requirements for labelling of allergenic substances, food additives and formats to display the "best before" or "use by" date for prepackaged food.
16 July A series of food safety seminars are organised for the operators of hotels and venue caterers involved in the equestrian test events in 2007 and the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Events.
17 July The Centre for Food Safety announces the results of a study on dietary exposure to chloropropanols of secondary school students and the assessment of the associated health risks.
27 and 30 July Following a reassessment, the Food Research Laboratory succeeds in reaffirming its accreditation status and extends its accreditation to cover the testing of trans fatty acids in food under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme.
31 July Train-the-trainer workshop on genetically modified food is held for members of the food trade.

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Date Event
1 August The Centre for Food Safety launches the Pre-statutory Voluntary Registration Scheme for importers and distributors of game, meat and poultry meat.
16 August The Centre for Food Safety issues the "Guidelines on Identification and Labelling of Oilfish/Cod" and holds briefing for trade members.
18 August Food Safety Day 2007 with the theme "Collective Responsibility in Ensuring Food Safety" is held at Lung Cheung Mall, Wong Tai Sin. A series of educational programmes are organised throughout the territory from June to September.
20 August to 12 October The third phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign is launched to highlight the risk of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis and sustain community effort in controlling the vectors.
23 August The Chief Executive visits Man Kam To Food Control Office managed by the Centre for Food Safety to look at the quarantine and inspection of food imported from the Mainland.

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Date Event
1 September The Centre for Food Safety launches the Pre-statutory Voluntary Registration Scheme for importers and distributors of live food animals and live poultry.
11 September FEHD participates in the 6th Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award organised by the Occupational Safety and Health Council with the entry on "Odour Control System for Refuse Collection Vehicles", winning the silver prize of the Safety Technological Achievement Award.
12 September A food safety seminar is held for members of the trade.
13 September FEHD participates in the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2007 and wins the first-runner up and second-runner up in the "Partnership Award" by taking part in the "Integrated Call Centre" project and "Science in the Public Service" campaign respectively.
17 September Imports of live poultry and birds, day-old chicks, poultry eggs, chilled and frozen poultry meat from all farms and processing plants within the zone of 24 kilometres radius of Xinzao town are suspended for 21 days after confirmation of a case of avian influenza H5N1 among ducks in Xinzao town, Panyu. Imports of chilled and frozen ducks and geese, as well as duck and goose eggs from Guangdong Province are also suspended for one week.

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Date Event
1 October The Centre for Food Safety launches the Pre-statutory Voluntary Registration Scheme for importers and distributors of milk, milk beverage, cream and frozen confection.
10 October Importation of live poultry and their products from Guangdong Province resumes.
10 October The Centre for Food Safety releases the results of a study on dietary exposure of secondary school students to benzoic acid from prepackaged non-alcoholic beverages.
15 October Results of a joint study on trans fats in locally available food (part one) are announced by the Centre for Food Safety and the Consumer Council.
17 October A series of seminars on the HACCP-based Food Safety Plan are organised for food handlers working in child care centres from October to January 2008.
24 October An expert meeting on food safety between Hong Kong and Guangdong is held in Shenzhen to discuss various food safety matters.
26 October Train-the-trainer workshop on genetically modified food is organised for members of the food trade.
29 and 30 October The Veterinary Public Health Workshop on "Veterinary Drug and Food Safety" is held with experts from the Mainland, Canada, Germany and the United States as speakers.

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Date Event
1 November The Centre for Food Safety launches the Pre-statutory Voluntary Registration Scheme for importers and distributors of vegetables and fruits.
13 November The Centre for Food Safety starts public consultation on the proposed regulatory framework for pesticide residues in food. Consultation forums are held on 7 and 18 December.
26 November A seminar on pest control titled "Prevention and control of house dust mite and myiasis" with experts from overseas as speakers is organised for relevant staff of government departments and the trade.

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Date Event
1 December The Centre for Food Safety launches the Pre-statutory Voluntary Registration Scheme for importers and distributors of fish and fishery products.
3 December Mr Cheuk Wing-hing succeeds Mr Eddy Chan as the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene.
11 December The "Proposed Nutrition Labelling Scheme for Prepackaged Food" is presented to the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene.
11 December The new Garden of Remembrance at Cape Collinson opens for public use.
21 December FEHD announces the extension of the voluntary surrender scheme for itinerant hawker licence holders for one year to 31 December 2008.

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Last revision date: 16 May 2018