Date Event
1 to 3 Dec Click to view photo content
The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, Mr Clement Leung, is briefed on the raising of hairy crabs in Jiangsu.
6 to 7 Dec Click to view photo content
A cattle slaughtering and processing plant in Changchun, Jilin Province.
23 and 24 Dec Click to view photo content
The exhibition booth set up to promote nutrition labelling and food safety at the Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo attracts quite a number of visitors.
30 Dec Click to view photo content
The kick-off ceremony for the import of the first consignment of Mainland chilled beef into Hong Kong is staged at Nanshan agricultural products wholesale market in Shenzhen.

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A staff of the Centre for Food Safety checks the temperature of the mainland chilled beef to ensure that it is kept between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius.

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