Date Event
1 March A joint office with the Buildings Department is set up in Kowloon City District to handle the water seepage complaints.
1 March Communication Resource Unit achieves the ISO 9001:2000 certification requirement on the design and provision of public enquiry and telephone hotline services.
6 March Suspension of live food poultry importation until 25 March due to a case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus in Guangdong Province.
11 and 25 March Train-the-trainer workshops on nutrition labelling are held for secondary school teachers. The workshops are jointly organised by the Department, the former Education and Manpower Bureau and the Department of Health.
21 March The results of a study on nutrient values of congee, rice and noodle dishes are announced.
22 March Train-the-trainer workshops on nutrition labelling continue throughout March to December for members of women's associations.
24 March The Department announces extension of the rental freeze for all public markets to the end of June 2008.
27 March to 13 April A territory-wide thematic operation is launched to focus on mosquito prevention and control in strategic areas including village houses and problematic spots.

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