Date Event
1 August The Food Safety Control Electronic Information Delivery System is extended to cover the food trade. Food traders who join the system can receive information on food safety issues through e-mails.
14 August to 6 October The third phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign highlights the risk of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis and seeks community support in controlling mosquito vectors.

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Measures on anti-mosquito prevention being implemented at problem spots.
16 August The first issue of a new monthly e-publication entitled "Food Safety Focus" is released to serve as a new channel of communication between the Centre for Food Safety, the trade and the public.
18 August The Food Business (Amendment) Regulation 2006 comes into effect. Fresh provision shops and market stalls are no longer allowed to sell both fresh and chilled beef/mutton/pork on the same premises, unless the chilled beef/mutton/pork being sold on the premises is prepackaged with prescribed labels before delivery to the premises.

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The Department steps up the check on fresh meat at meat stalls following the enactment of the Food Business (Amendment) Regulation 2006.
19 August The Consumer Liaison Group formed under the Centre for Food Safety holds its first meeting to solicit public views on various food safety issues.

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Members of the Consumer Liaison Group join the first meeting of the Group to express their views on food safety issues.
23 August Chief Executive visits the FEHD to better understand its various services.

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The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, chats with hawker control team members during his visit to the Wong Tai Sin District Environmental Hygiene Office.

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The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, is briefed on the reprovision work of the Diamond Hill Crematorium.
23 August Importation of chilled pork from the Mainland into Hong Kong commences.

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A Centre for Food Safety staff member inspects chilled pork imported from the Mainland.
26 August The Food Safety Day 2006 is held in a shopping centre to promote prevention of cross contamination of food. A series of education programmes are organised throughout the territory from August to October.

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Officiating guests kick off the Food Safety Day 2006.

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Booklets and leaflets on food safety being distributed at the roadshow.

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Learning food safety messages through the game.

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