Date Event
1 April Joint offices with the Buildings Department are set up in Wanchai, Kwun Tong and Mong Kok districts to handle water seepage complaints.

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A staff member uses an electronic instrument to detect water seepage.
1 April Amendments to the Swimming Pools Regulation to upgrade the qualifications requirement of life saving attendants for private swimming pools from holding a bronze medallion to holding a pool lifeguard award issued by the Hong Kong Life Saving Society come into effect.
11 April A delegation from the former Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and the Department attends the first working meeting on Exchanges and Co-operation in Food Safety for Hong Kong/Guangdong in Guangzhou.
24 April Pest Control Advisory Section achieves the ISO 9001:2000 certification on the design and provision of specimen identification service and advice regarding taxonomic service.

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The former Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, Mr Gregory Leung, receives the ISO 9001:2000 certificate on behalf of the Department.
24 April to 30 June The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign commences, focusing on the importance of eliminating mosquito breeding places during the rainy season.
25 April   Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue visits the Department to learn more about its daily operation.

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The Secretary for the Civil Service, Miss Denise Yue, is briefed on work of the Wan Chai Hawker Section's District Control Centre.

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Miss Yue exchanges views with members of the Department's consultative committee and representatives of staff unions of various grades.
27 April The Food Research Laboratory represents FEHD to present a lecture entitled
"Application of Modern Technology in Food Safety: Chloropropanols in Sauces" in the symposium under the "Science in the Public Service" campaign.
27 April A briefing session on Influenza Pandemic, is jointly organised by the former Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, the Centre for Health Protection and the Department, for food traders.

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