Date Event

10 October

The Expert Committee on Food Safety holds its first meeting. The committee experts are to advise the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene on food safety issues.

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The first meeting of the Expert Committee on Food Safety.

13 October

The results of a joint study on acrylamide in fried and baked foods are announced by the Centre for Food Safety and the Consumer Council.

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The Centre for Food Safety and the Consumer Council jointly release the results of a study on acrylamide in fried and baked food at a press conference.

23 October to 1 December

A territory-wide thematic operation is launched to step up mosquito control measures around village houses; passenger, cargo and container terminals; old tenement buildings and other problematic spots.

24 October

Pilot study of Radio Frequency Identification in live pigs imported from Guangdong is launched at Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse.

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Identification data being collected from pigs imported from Guangdong Province at the Man Kam To Animal Inspection Station.

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Ear-tag clipped on the pig.

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A staff member at slaughterhouse retrieves data from the pigs under the pilot study of Radio Frequency Identification.

31 October

The departmental publicity vehicle, the Mobile Education Centre, tasked to enhance the outreach efforts in promoting food safety and environmental hygiene messages becomes operational.

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The Mobile Education Centre visits a primary school.

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Students try the game inside the Mobile Education Centre.

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Members of the Consumer Liaison Group exchange views with staff of the Centre for Food Safety.

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