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Date Event
7 July
Media interest in the Enhancement Phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign 2003.

The enhancement phase of the Anti-rodent Campaign is launched with the aim of further promoting the adoption of rodent prevention and control measures in residential quarters as well as strengthening anti-rodent work in residential areas with persistent rodent problems. This phase ends on 2 August.

8 July To improve environmental hygiene in Hong Kong, the Department shortens the abatement period for dripping air-conditioners from seven days to three days when a nuisance notice has been issued.
9 July
Mainland and Hong Kong officials attend the half yearly meeting on food safety.

Half yearly food safety meeting with AQSIQ, CIQs in Hong Kong.

14 July A delegation from Guangdong's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention led by Deputy Director Luo Xiongcai, visits the Food Research Laboratory.

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