Date Event
1 September Launch of roving exhibitions on GM food in primary schools.

1 September The Department launches a series of customer service training seminars for market operators in nine selected markets between September and October.

3 September The Director-General of Guangdong's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr Tang Feng, leads a delegation to visit the Food Research Laboratory.

16 - 25 September Regional seminars are organised by the Department with the Home Affairs and Buildings Departments to consult the public on measures to improve environmental hygiene as proposed in the Team Clean report.

19 September The report on the study of mosquito breeding in high-rise residential buildings is released. It reinforces the importance of implementing measures in the home to prevent mosquito breeding.

23 September
The Man Kam To Food Laboratory --- an integral part of the Man Kam To Food Control Office. Rapid screening of vegetables for pesticide residues at the Man Kam To Food Laboratory.
The Man Kam To Food Laboratory is granted accreditation by the Hong Kong Accreditation Services to test vegetables for pesticide residues and milk for veterinary drug residues.
30 September
Winners of the Clean Hong Kong School Education Programme at the Prize Presentation Ceremony.
The Clean Hong Kong School Education Programme Prize Presentation Ceremony is jointly held by the Department, the Education and Manpower Bureau and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. Twenty-three prizes for various education projects are awarded to schools that have made outstanding efforts to promote a clean environment.

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