Date Event
11 December
The Department¡¦s Consultant (Community Medicine)(Risk Assessment and Communication), Dr Ho Yuk-yin, outlines background to the proposed Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information at a public forum. Representatives of the food trade attend the Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information public forum.
The first public forum on the proposed Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information is held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
12 December The Department announces that the rental freeze for all public markets will be extended to the end of 2004.
15 December
As part of the Anti-rodent Campaign, media representatives receive demonstration of preventive measures against scrub typhus, a disease easily contracted in the countryside.
The Anti-rodent Campaign 2004 is launched, with the Department urging managers of cargo handling areas, warehouses and factories to take special precautionary measures against rodents. The campaign ends on 10 January 2004.
18 December The Department implements the new Hawker Control Team squad structures, and the revised modus operandi of hawker control operations.
31 December Implementation of the final phase of the Public Health (Animals and Birds)(Chemical Residues) Regulation, which further regulates the feeding of the remaining 18 veterinary chemicals to food animals.

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